How to make long curvy hair?

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This video [] shows a hair style:

which is almost exact what I'm trying to make. Unfortunately the video provides zero detail on how to make it. I've watched several tutorials on Houdini's groom system. But I haven't found one that features long, curvy hair. How are these made? I hope it's not just "manually make complicate guides with 100 control points with Curve SOP"...
Edited by raincole - May 4, 2022 01:56:20

Screenshot 2022-05-04 133003.png (1.5 MB)

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I mainly use two methods for long hair depending on the style;

1) Place manual guide hairs (without curls) and use guide process to add curls. (Green)
I've only shown a few guides to show the general idea and you'd probably want to start from the sides/bottom and work upward in layers. It does require a lot of manual placement but this is useful for very specific hairstyles. This method has improved since the addition of the new curve tool which allows you to select and move multiple (or all) points in a curve.
Overall, you'll probably have more than 100 points but not in a single curve if that's what you mean (using guide process to add curls instead).

2) Use standard guide hairs, curl/style using guide process, use vellum to drape/collide hair. (Red)
This will save time with guides but may take longer overall to find suitable simulation settings if you need something specific.

I've attached a hip file showing the basic idea behind both of the above.


Long_Hair.hiplc (1.8 MB)

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