I've been following this tutorial, but I'm stuck in Part 9 Step 3. I've followed steps 1 and 2, but I'm not getting the result I should have in Step 3, mainly the bouncing soccer ball is not appearing. I see the lights objects, but the ball and its animation are not there. I'm suspecting it has something to do with where the .usd file is located. The tutorial PDF and the Video say two different things in Step 1. The PDF says set Output File to "$HIP/geo/soccerball_anim.usd", but the video says "$HIP/usd/soccerball_anim.usd" My Windows file path is this: "F:\Houdini_Projects\intro_lesson_start\usd", but even if I use it instead of "$HIP....." I get nothing. What am I missing?
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