This ML is fantastic! i hope that it will be possible to add extra poses using Lora or other checkpoints techniques or merging different models.
fe. prepared by SideFX fully anatomicly corect human like from Unreal 5.3 and modified it to more cartoony character using Lora checkpoint and extra poses. This mixing of ML models is a must option

Anyway iam trying to understand what this Apex is and .. hmm i have no clue xD
But i see that there are new manipulation gizmos! finally good for animators! (not those ugly thin one from normal Houdini. ahh i hate those blurry highlight on them, its soooo 90s)
i have QESTION is this APEX engin fast? and why it is fast compared to other frameworks? does it use CUDA for proccessing this packed geometry and stuff? (all i care is faaast feedback from animated characters)
Are there any plans to cache in RAM those APEX characters to gain even more speed?
AND how motion is stored in geometry? i mean WTF xD its like hard to swallow concept

what this mean for animator?
is it possible to modify those animated paths (baxier curves? wtf is it actually) using Houdini SOP nodes? fe. smoothing them or resampling?
anyway this APEX ROX