change the order of points

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Hello guys,

I was wondering if there's any chance I can change the ptnum of my points ?
I'm still a beginner in Houdini and I'm trying to copy points planks to these points. I'm not 100% sure, but I've got a normals problem and I think it comes from the ptnum.

My points are in this order
(screen1), which makes the normal looks like this (screen2)

And this is how my planks look like when I'm copying them.

As I said, I think it's a problem coming from the normals, and that this problem is because of the ptnum. So if there's any way to change the points in a better way than the sort node, which didn't have what I was looking for, I'm all ears.

I'm working on a procedural balcony and trying to reproduce this variant ;

Thanks for your help!
Edited by tq_stn - July 29, 2024 10:29:27

Capture d'écran 2024-07-29 152715.png (170.1 KB)
Capture d'écran 2024-07-29 152236.png (1.1 MB)
Capture d'écran 2024-07-29 152317.png (1.2 MB)
Capture d'écran 2024-07-29 152438.png (654.2 KB)

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Your planks are being copied to your points. Your points are not evenly spaced - hence the spaces and overlaps.
There is quite a bit you need to understand to use copy to points like this: how the Resample SOP works, normal and up attributes etc. It really is well worth your time to study those.

For a simple straight line situation like this you'd be better off just using the 'Copy And Transform' SOP for each of the three sides and doing a merge.
Edited by Mike_A - July 29, 2024 12:49:33
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Your planks are being copied to your points. Your points are not evenly spaced - hence the spaces and overlaps.
There is quite a bit you need to understand to use copy to points like this: how the Resample SOP works, normal and up attributes etc. It really is well worth your time to study those.

For a simple straight line situation like this you'd be better off just using the 'Copy And Transform' SOP for each of the three sides and doing a merge.
Hello, thanks for your answer. I'll do it for the three sides and merge them then, thank you. Does this mean that there isn't a way to change the point order ?
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Hello, thanks for your answer. I'll do it for the three sides and merge them then, thank you. Does this mean that there isn't a way to change the point order ?

Join SOP then Sort SOP by vertex order.
Edited by raincole - July 29, 2024 13:36:21
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As raincole says. One thing to note about this: it's the vertex order that controls curve connectivity, not the point order, hence raincole's guide to sort 'by vertex order'. If you're uncertain about the difference between points and vertices, that's another thing to add to your learning list. Have fun : )
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Thanks for all of your answer guys, I guess I've got what I need!
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