Today I did a very simple test, with a glass bottle, very basic light and one texture for displacement on the bottle. I did the scene in houdini and then render it with karma. Then I transfered the scene via usd to blender, adapted materials, and render the same scene. For a better comparison, I render the scene in 5000x6250px (a resolution I often use in my work).
I have a threadripper 3970x and rtx 4090
- Karma : 41sec
- Karma with Crypto Object AND Material : 1min43sec
- Blender Cycles : 24sec
- Blender Cycles with Crypto Object AND Material : 32secs
- Blender Cycles without tiling render (since we don't have it per default in karma I think) : 29secs
I always render with at least crypto, honestly the render time difference is huge.
I want to switch to Houdini/Karma with all my heart, but honnestly, as a freelancer, it's not possible for the moment, it's to slow (or I forget to setting something ?)
Of course the goal is not to say that Blender is better than Houdini, I much prefer the solaris workflow, Copernicus etc, and I understand that as medium/big studio they can absorb the extra rendering time, but for me, as freelancer, there is no way that I can... I know Karma is a very young render engine too.
Am I the only one who find Karma slow ?
Is there anyone who knows if Sidefx team will focus on karma render speed ?
I share the Blender and Houdini file if you want to try
Blender render :
Houdini render :