Retargeting with APEX

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Could someone please volunteer to make a resource that explains clearly and thoroughly how to do retargeting with APEX? I don't think I'm alone in the community still being quite stumped how to do this.

Yes, I am aware of the example file []
But this doesn't really function like any kinefx retargeting workflow I am familiar with, and it's not completely clear what is going on. The recent Animation Workshop hints at how to do it, but alas no example files are given.

This is really the last thing that is stopping me from sinking time into APEX. It is a bit of a showstopper TBH.

Someone please... take up the challenge.

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I've been doing this for a current project, and I'll admit the current method of setting it up is weird. Thing is, the example file actually does have everything in it that you need to figure it out. The aforementioned "weirdness" comes from updating the channel prims, extracting controls, etc.

In essence, what you are doing is extracting the controls you want retargeted from your rig, applying the kinefx retargeting workflow, then using those driven channels to update the channels (translation, rotation, scale) of the controls in your rig.

Using this vid- > []

...along with the example file, all the info you need is there. I'll see if I can get around to making a video at some point.
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ok, but in the regular kinefx workflow you specifically retarget the skeleton itself, not the skeleton control rig. Are you saying that with retargeting in Apex you must retarget the control system, not the skeleton directly? How does this work with a full body IK solve where you want a source performance to drive skeleton joints? The example file directly copies the source transforms to the control rig of the skeleton, not the skeleton itself, and it doesn't use full body IK - neither of which I have seen before. i.e it doesn't follow the workflow in the video you linked.
Edited by Eche - Nov. 14, 2024 15:44:33
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