Check the spider-example in the Content-Library. It's complex but pure gold on so many levels. There you can see how to fully create a procedural spider-geo + joint-definitions by checking the .hda on the top. You could of course also use a Rig-VOP/VEX/Apex-Script that either creates all legs or which takes your first leg as prototype and creates the others. I personally would create a Rig-VOP first until it works and then put it into Apex-code.
I did check Spider from Content-Library, but it just have IK solver for complete leg, as i mention before i need to have more control over tip of the leg, that's why i stared this post
I'm probably overcomplicated it with the idea to have lookat at tip to align it always to body and then i stuck to option to work with tags for all legs
was this possible with the editgraph technique from Max Rose?
Im just using the snippet to write the component script. You can use the graph (editgraph) to do the same thing if you are more comfortable doing it like that