Houdini Main Changelogs


Update Landscape imported in Unreal to work better with World Partitioned Levels. World Composition removed in Unreal 5 versions of the plugin.

水. 5月 31, 2023

Fixed an issue with the plugin not handling UV or Cd attributes correctly when the attribute had a tuple size other than 3, which was leading to crashes in the plugin.

火. 5月 30, 2023
  • Added the ability to set a custom $HOME directory in the plugin settings.It is then used by HAPI, but also Houdini/Session Sync when using the"Open In" commands. This is helpful when having HE under source control,as it allows custom nodes to be detected properly.
  • Updated includes for building the plugin with no-pch builds of Unreal 5.2.
火. 5月 30, 2023
  • Added the ability to set a custom $HOME directory in the plugin settings.It is then used by HAPI, but also Houdini/Session Sync when using the"Open In" commands. This is helpful when having HE under source control,as it allows custom nodes to be detected properly.
  • Updated includes for building the plugin with no-pch builds of Unreal 5.2.
火. 5月 30, 2023

Added support for drawing outlines for simple drawables. Added the following functions to hou.SimpleDrawable:

  • setDrawOutline(self, value) and isDrawOutline(self) forenabling and disabling outline drawing.
  • setOutlineColor(self, color) and outlineColor(self) forsetting a custom outline color.
  • setSeparateOutline(self, value) and isSeparateOutline(self) forenabling and disabling separate outline drawing. By default, ifmultiple drawables are outlined, their outlines may be combined,and setting this flag forces the drawable's outline to be separate.
  • setOutlineOnly(self, value) and isOutlineOnly(self) forenabling and disabling outline only mode, for drawing onlythe outline of the drawable, and not the drawable itself.
火. 5月 30, 2023

Fixes VEX printf() function where in some cases the "%%" token wasn't being properly processed to a single %.

火. 5月 30, 2023

Added two new USD VEX functions. `usd_applyapi` applies an API schema to a primitive. `usd_addschemaattrib` adds an attribute to a primitive, and sets the `custom` metadata on the attribute to `False`. This lets VEX code properly create attributes like `extentsHint` which are defined by a schema, but where the schema doesn't author a fallback value.

火. 5月 30, 2023

The VEX methods for getting the transform of a prim no longer require that the prim be an Xformable. These methods will work on any prim type by assuming that the transform of any non-Xformable prim is the same as its closest Xformable ancestor.

火. 5月 30, 2023

Fix crash that could occur in the Pack Extend SOP when changing the paths that it replaced.

月. 5月 29, 2023

Added a new example for popwindshadow.

月. 5月 29, 2023

The behaviour of viewport background images has changed. When loading an image, if you have auto-place disabled, the image will no longer be scaled such that the shortest image dimension is fit between -1 and 1 in the scene. Instead, it is now brought in as a scalar multiple of the image resolution. This makes it much easier to use background images for modeling reference. The unexpected results of utilizing auto-placed images in orthographic viewports have also been fixed - it will now always be centered within your viewport.

月. 5月 29, 2023
  • Add a field in display options > background menu that changesthe opacity of background image/video in viewports
  • Add HOM support for changing the opacity of background
  • Fix issues with saving/loading opacity and brightness of backgroundto/from default and .hip files
  • Auto-populate fields in display options > background menuwith video source data upon selecting a new video file
  • Add a button in display options > background menu that resetsthe value of video frame rate to video source frame rate
  • Refactor video parameters in OPUI_RotoscopeData
月. 5月 29, 2023

Added support for a new Houdini startup script, uiready.py, that runs after the UI has finished initialization and is available.

月. 5月 29, 2023
  • In the display options window, added the ability to specify how abackground image should be fit to the viewport.
  • Fixed legacy issues that resulted in unpredictable results when zoomingin on an orthographic viewport with active auto-placed background images.
月. 5月 29, 2023

Fixed all Instanced Foliage Actors being dirty-ed when removing a foliage type.

月. 5月 29, 2023

Stopped foliage removal dirtying all Instanced Foliage Actors in a scene

月. 5月 29, 2023

The primitive path column in the scene graph details table view is now resizeable like all the other columns. Also, the Scene Graph Details table view primitive path column now elides text onthe left instead of the right.

日. 5月 28, 2023

The Scene Graph Details table view primitive path column now elides text onthe left instead of the right.

日. 5月 28, 2023

The Scene Graph Details table view primitive path column now elides text onthe left instead of the right.

日. 5月 28, 2023

Fixed the Compute Rig Pose SOP to make it work with spare inputs in compiled mode within a For Each Loop.

金. 5月 26, 2023

Fixed the Compute Rig Pose SOP to make it work with spare inputs in compiled mode within a For Each Loop.

金. 5月 26, 2023

Added the ability to pull on Bezier and cubic segments in the graph editor to intuitively control their shapes. Clicking and dragging on a segment will change the slope/accel values such that the curve intersects the mouse cursor as closely as possible.

金. 5月 26, 2023

Added support for specifying a population mask when importing a USD file using the USD Import TOP.

金. 5月 26, 2023

The SOP viewport now supports displaying time-dependent guide geometry for a node that is not time-dependent.

金. 5月 26, 2023

Added a new mode to the Shrinkwrap SOP which computes a 2D convex hull.

金. 5月 26, 2023