Refreshing HDA Processor Service after Nth workitem?

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I have for example:
  • 5000 workitems generated.
  • each will go thru an HDA Processor
  • the HDA processor uses HDA Processor Service

how do I process (for example) only 100 workitems at a time? Then ask the the HDA Processors to restart or refresh before continuing to process the remaining workitems?

i tried partitioning the workitems and used the forloop TOPs set to One Loop Per Partition... hoping that on each partition loop, it will start fresh. but it seems it's not the case XD

question is related to this unanswered post: []

unfortunately, i'm currently unable to provide a file as this is for work under NDA >___<
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Batch Mode set to Custom Batch Size of 100 seems to be working (at least the workitem processing time is consistent).
But this is not using the HDA Processor Service (as it does not work with batching).

I'm still curious if something like this could work for the Service. Mainly because i got faster processing of workitems using it.
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