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Technical Discussion » PySide2 Python Panel setMouseTracking not working on child
- AlexLombardi
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Hmmm so it looks like I have to set the setMouseTracking(True) on the QTableWidget that holds the combobox. Any idea why I need to do this for the python panel and not the QApplication?
Technical Discussion » PySide2 Python Panel setMouseTracking not working on child
- AlexLombardi
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I'v'e sub classed my own comboBox and inserted it in a QTableWidget cell. My mouseMoveEvent() in my custom combobox doesn't seem to be called when running though a python panel. If I run the QApplication out side of Houdini my mouseEvents are being called fine on the combobox.
I've tried setting setMouseTracking(True) on the parent interface as well and that works. Is there something special i need to do with the python panel to get a child widgets mouse tracking to pick up?
I've tried setting setMouseTracking(True) on the parent interface as well and that works. Is there something special i need to do with the python panel to get a child widgets mouse tracking to pick up?
Technical Discussion » IK chain offset based on different local space
- AlexLombardi
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Probably butchered the title 
I'm rigging just a hand (like Thing from Adams family) so sorta like a spider. I have IK bone chain for each finger, but i want to apply a spread on the metacarpal bones on the hand(similar to a FK hand set up), that spreads each finger's IK chain.
I'm stuck on how to update the IK goal target. As I have the IK goal a child of the master transform and the IK root a child of the cog(center of gravity)transform. I would ideally want to rotate the IK finger chain around the IK root transform's Y space.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated

I'm rigging just a hand (like Thing from Adams family) so sorta like a spider. I have IK bone chain for each finger, but i want to apply a spread on the metacarpal bones on the hand(similar to a FK hand set up), that spreads each finger's IK chain.
I'm stuck on how to update the IK goal target. As I have the IK goal a child of the master transform and the IK root a child of the cog(center of gravity)transform. I would ideally want to rotate the IK finger chain around the IK root transform's Y space.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated
Technical Discussion » HOU: How to get a networkItem's categoy/context equivalent ?
- AlexLombardi
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thanks mtucker!
item.parent().childTypeCategory().name() is exactly what I am looking for.
I'm saving the selected items to the clipboard, then moving the cpio file to a managed library directory. I needed to know that context to rename the cpio file to.
item.parent().childTypeCategory().name() is exactly what I am looking for.
I'm saving the selected items to the clipboard, then moving the cpio file to a managed library directory. I needed to know that context to rename the cpio file to.
Technical Discussion » HOU: How to get a networkItem's categoy/context equivalent ?
- AlexLombardi
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I'm trying to find out what category/context a networkItem(netbox, sticky, dot) is in via python.
working with nodes is easy:
selection = hou.selectedNodes()
print selection.type().category().name()
If I selected a bunch of sop nodes, it would return “Sop”
My question is how do I get the equivalent of: .category().name() from a networkItem?
my selection is now a tuple of items mixed with nodes:
selection = hou.selectedItems()
If my fist selection item is a dot/sticky/netbox, there is no type() property. So if I selected a netbox in a sop context, I'd like a hou fn to return “Sop”
working with nodes is easy:
selection = hou.selectedNodes()
print selection.type().category().name()
If I selected a bunch of sop nodes, it would return “Sop”
My question is how do I get the equivalent of: .category().name() from a networkItem?
my selection is now a tuple of items mixed with nodes:
selection = hou.selectedItems()
If my fist selection item is a dot/sticky/netbox, there is no type() property. So if I selected a netbox in a sop context, I'd like a hou fn to return “Sop”
Houdini Lounge » Biharmonic Point Deform SOP
- AlexLombardi
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Thats a nice tool, Thanks for sharing friedasparagus
I always use a deltamush node after a point deform, really helpful aswell.

I always use a deltamush node after a point deform, really helpful aswell.
Houdini Lounge » HDK: compiled sops example
- AlexLombardi
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Houdini Lounge » HDK: compiled sops example
- AlexLombardi
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New compiled masterclass was great, is it possible to get any HDK documentation or an HDK example setting up a compilable SOP and its requirements?
Edited by AlexLombardi - 2017年6月28日 13:57:34
Houdini Lounge » windows 10 eye bleaching white screen...
- AlexLombardi
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good to know twod, Is there any setting you can think of we might be able to change to stop this?
Houdini Lounge » windows 10 eye bleaching white screen...
- AlexLombardi
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Looking into the issue more, is anyone using redshift with windows 10 here and houdini?
there is a setting when installing red shift to change windows “Timeout Detection and Recovery (TDR)” to 8 seconds.
I am wondering if this in introducing the white screen. Will test defaulting it back and see. grasping at straws here.
there is a setting when installing red shift to change windows “Timeout Detection and Recovery (TDR)” to 8 seconds.
I am wondering if this in introducing the white screen. Will test defaulting it back and see. grasping at straws here.
Edited by AlexLombardi - 2017年6月9日 14:38:55
Houdini Lounge » windows 10 eye bleaching white screen...
- AlexLombardi
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I haven't confirmed the exact source of the problem, but myself and another coworker believe there was a windows 10 update recently that triggers the UI of Houdini (also Nuke) to turn completely white while computing a scene. This is starting to get extremely eye straining on all of us…
Anyone else running into this and/or solved this? This is happening in h15 and h16. Have the latest Nvidea drivers, cant find any info else where on the web.
Anyone else running into this and/or solved this? This is happening in h15 and h16. Have the latest Nvidea drivers, cant find any info else where on the web.
Technical Discussion » HDK: compiled plugins compatibility with later minor versions possible?
- AlexLombardi
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Technical Discussion » HDK: compiled plugins compatibility with later minor versions possible?
- AlexLombardi
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Is it possible to compile a plugin with a earlier minor build release (ex. 16.0.557) and use it with a later release of the same major version (ex. 16.0.600)? If so, what would one need to include?
Edited by AlexLombardi - 2017年5月6日 18:33:47
Houdini Lounge » Houdini cloth vs marvelous designer
- AlexLombardi
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check out Carbon, it was insanely fast testing it: []
you could probably get a demo if you email them []
you could probably get a demo if you email them
Technical Discussion » HDK: OP_Operator inputlabels argument crashing Houdini on start up
- AlexLombardi
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Thanks Edward, working good now, that did the trick

Yeah its strange that it was working on Centos without the nullptr, good to know.
Technical Discussion » HDK: OP_Operator inputlabels argument crashing Houdini on start up
- AlexLombardi
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Hi Edward,
Sorry I worded my post poorly. the code compiles file, but on starting Houdini I am getting a Fatal error. If I remove the inputLabels argument when adding a new OP_Operator, the SOP node works fine. Just wounding what I'm missing/doing wrong to get inputlables working. They work compiling on centos 7, which is strange.
line 34 is the start of: table->addOperator(new OP_Operator(
Sorry I worded my post poorly. the code compiles file, but on starting Houdini I am getting a Fatal error. If I remove the inputLabels argument when adding a new OP_Operator, the SOP node works fine. Just wounding what I'm missing/doing wrong to get inputlables working. They work compiling on centos 7, which is strange.
5164: Fatal error: Segmentation fault
Crash report from DZND; Unknown App Version 15.5.565 [windows-x86_64-cl19]
Uptime 0 seconds
Sun Sep 4 11:42:37 2016
Caught signal 11
Traceback from 5164 ThreadId=0x00001350
+0x6a9d43b4 [UT_StringArray::UT_StringArray]
+0x04c50f23 [OP_Operator::OP_Operator]
sop_pathdeformer.cpp(34) [newSopOperator]
+0x71d6e9e7 [UT_DSO::run]
+0x04c5eabd [OP_OperatorTable::runDSOInstall]
+0x04bcb00e [OP_Network::getOperatorTable]
+0x07c35be7 [OBJ_Node::buildOperatorTable]
+0x6e7920bc [MGR_Node::buildObjTable]
+0x6e79160e [MGR_Node::MGR_Node]
+0x6ea8aa87 [MOT_Director::MOT_Director]
+0x06355328 [OPUI_MainApp::initApplication]
+0x6c858565 [AP_Interface::readPreferenceFile]
+0x6c8596fa [AP_Interface::loadWindowGeoPref]
+0x6c859d75 [myWinMain]
+0x777a59ed [BaseThreadInitThunk]
+0x779dc541 [RtlUserThreadStart]
line 34 is the start of: table->addOperator(new OP_Operator(
Edited by AlexLombardi - 2016年9月4日 14:51:20
Technical Discussion » HDK: OP_Operator inputlabels argument crashing Houdini on start up
- AlexLombardi
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I have code that compiles on Linux, but on windows I cant seem to compile a sop node with input lables. Is any one else able to compile a SOP node in 15.5 with input lables on windows?
Am I missing some thing else here?
const char *inputLabels[] = { "IN_GEO", "IN_PATH" }; void newSopOperator(OP_OperatorTable *table) { table->addOperator(new OP_Operator( "customSop", "my custom sop", SOP_CustomSop::myConstructor, SOP_CustomSop::myTemplateList, 2, // Min # of sources 2, // Max # of sources 0, 0, inputLabels)); }
Am I missing some thing else here?
Edited by AlexLombardi - 2016年9月3日 18:18:34
Technical Discussion » HDK : Accessing a SIM_Object's GU_Detail
- AlexLombardi
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I'm starting to get my feet wet a bit, but need some guidance on reading attributes better from a RBD_Packed_Object node from Dops. Basically here I want to receive the point “name” attrib on first packedObject, from a Sop node referencing a dopnet. I'm able to get an output using:
My question is if there is a better way of retrieving attributes from a RBD_Packed_Object or a cleaner way of accessing a SIM_Objects gdp? I feel like I'm going about getting the GU_Detail wrong.
//inside cookMySop(... const SIM_Object *simobj = simobjects(i); // i is a RBD_Packed_Object Node const SIM_Geometry *geo = simobj->getGeometry(); GU_DetailHandleAutoReadLock sourcegdl(geo->getGeometry()); const GU_Detail *simobjgdp = sourcegdl.getGdp(); GA_ROHandleS h(simobjgdp, GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "name"); const char *string_value = h.get(impactdata->getPrimitiveNumber( 0 )); std::cout << string_value << std::endl;
Edited by AlexLombardi - 2016年8月26日 19:03:49
Technical Discussion » linking protocols for external libraries?
- AlexLombardi
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resurrecting an old thread (That saved me
)… I was finally able to compile the sop_star example using visual studio 2015. What really through me off was not including -DMAKING_DSO in the command line on my project settings.
My question is why doesn't -DMAKING_DSO show up in the needed flags when using hcustom -c ?
hcustom -d “myFIle.cpp” will out put the exact same just with a -DMAKING_DSO -LD -Fo“myFIle.o”
I'm just a little confused what the difference between -d and -c are in hcustom.

My question is why doesn't -DMAKING_DSO show up in the needed flags when using hcustom -c ?
hcustom -d “myFIle.cpp” will out put the exact same just with a -DMAKING_DSO -LD -Fo“myFIle.o”
I'm just a little confused what the difference between -d and -c are in hcustom.
Edited by AlexLombardi - 2016年8月16日 18:16:42
Technical Discussion » H15.5 (windows) compile makefile Error: " *** missing separator. Stop."
- AlexLombardi
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