Hello guys.
I have some problem with bake abc seq, houdini crashes on first frame but everything in scene is ok.
Tell me please where I can found crash log file from last opened scene on windows.
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Technical Discussion » Crash log file for last crashed houdini file
- ArthurFX
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Technical Discussion » Triple question about H16. 1.HDA text color, 2.Dots on BG, 3.Default node shapes change
- ArthurFX
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Hello SideFX! First of all many thanks for this release, big step for all community.
So, my questions is
Any chances to get
1. blue font for HDA back. Little bit messy to check new tools..
2. dots on bg in network editor. Not important but helps a little stay more organized.
3. chance to change default node shapes from one to another (for example for light nodes change to lamp).
Thanks advance.
P.S. New ocean tools are amazing
So, my questions is
Any chances to get
1. blue font for HDA back. Little bit messy to check new tools..
2. dots on bg in network editor. Not important but helps a little stay more organized.
3. chance to change default node shapes from one to another (for example for light nodes change to lamp).
Thanks advance.
P.S. New ocean tools are amazing
Technical Discussion » Randomize orientation for particles in first frame
- ArthurFX
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Tomas Slancik
Yes, thank you, orient is very interesting attr, I need explore more about this.
Technical Discussion » Randomize orientation for particles in first frame
- ArthurFX
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Construct a quaternion vector4 orient attribute on your source points then feed that in to your POP simulation.
Orientation will be kept through the simulation. Orient will override all other methods of orientation when you place instances or copies through the Copy to points SOP.
Note that the instance pieces will no longer be updated by the velocity attribute and will remain in the same orient position unless you affect it directly.
There are a few POP type DOPs that affect the orient attribute to make life a lot of fun:
POP Touque DOP (applies torque modifying the orient attribute at the current timestep)
POP Drag Spin DOP (Uses W torque at the current timestep and affects orient to dampen the rotational force)
POP Local Force (applies forces to the particle using orient as frame of reference)
POP Lookat DOP (affect orient to force copied/instance geometry to look at a specific position in space)
POP Spin DOP (creates/uses W torque but expects orient to be present as spin local frame of reference)
POP Spin By Volumes DOP (same as POP Spin DOP but uses volumes to affect W torque)
POP VOP DOP (affect quaternion v4 orient attribute how ever you wish with VOPs)
POP Wrangle DOP (affect quaternion v4 orient attribute how ever you wish with VEX snippet code)
Thanks Jeff!
Technical Discussion » Randomize orientation for particles in first frame
- ArthurFX
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Hello Guys, I have some issue with @orient values for particles on POP context after plugging POP torque / POP spin.
When I plug one of this nodes my copied geo on particles start look like on ex_v01
Before sim I randomize v@N for random look instanced geo after coping to points.
When I bypass POP drag / torque all look fine randomized, because I think use Normal for adjust orientation.
How I can randomize orientation value at the beginning of simulation particles?
Thanks advance!
When I plug one of this nodes my copied geo on particles start look like on ex_v01
Before sim I randomize v@N for random look instanced geo after coping to points.
When I bypass POP drag / torque all look fine randomized, because I think use Normal for adjust orientation.
How I can randomize orientation value at the beginning of simulation particles?
Thanks advance!
Edited by ArthurFX - 2017年1月27日 06:03:13
Technical Discussion » Error pyro solver cache when OpenCL option is ON
- ArthurFX
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The error reads as a memory error - probably out of vram. Try a GPU with more ram or the OpenCL CPU option.
Thank you for the answer! Can you tell where I can turn ON OpenCL CPU option?
Technical Discussion » Error pyro solver cache when OpenCL option is ON
- ArthurFX
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Hello Houdini guys!
I have problem with caching fluids when OpenCL option is on.
Here is error lines from console
OpenCL Exception: clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (-4)OpenCL Context error: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE error executing CL_COMMAND_NDRANGE_KERNEL on GeForce GTX 750 Ti (Device 0).
I have installed CUDA + Lastest NVidia drivers
I look on About Houdini info
Open CL is enabled.
Any help will appreciated!
I have problem with caching fluids when OpenCL option is on.
Here is error lines from console
OpenCL Exception: clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (-4)OpenCL Context error: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE error executing CL_COMMAND_NDRANGE_KERNEL on GeForce GTX 750 Ti (Device 0).
I have installed CUDA + Lastest NVidia drivers
I look on About Houdini info
Open CL is enabled.
Any help will appreciated!
Technical Discussion » Error with Create/Modify Rig in Auto rig from shelf
- ArthurFX
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I am playing around with rigs my self. Try out the simplemale or simplefemale rigs under the Character shelf. They are nice FK/IK rigs to practice animation with.
Another way to get a rig into Houdini is to import it from a FBX or Alembic. Many programs will generate an FBX such as Make Human [makehuman.org] and Blender [blender.org] which are both free. Blendswap.com [blendswap.com] has rigs that you can load in Blender then export as FBX as a starting point. Make Human supports multiple skeleton types so you can target what kind of rig you need. Such as game, talking etc… But FBX will only get you FK rigs only.
There are also motion capture files that Houdini can convert into Script command files (.cmd) that you can execute inside a Textport window. The conversion tools are found in the bin folder where Houdini is installed or inside the framework on OSX. mcbiovision, mcacclaim and mcmotanal.
I have attached the result of passing a BVH file from the CMU Collection [sites.google.com] through the Houdini conversion tool. This produces two files. A .cmd file and a .bclip. The .cmd file is what you execute to construct the rig, it is a script. The .bclip is what you browse to populate the file node inside the mocap CHOP network constructed by the script.
USAGE: Add a Textport window to your interface and you should see a black console style screen.
Type:source “C:\my_path\08_01.cmd”(where my_path is where you unzipped the attached files.)
This will execute the .cmd file as if it were hScript source code. If all goes well you will see a very flat stretched out bone rig in the viewport. Dive inside and then inside the mocap node and notice that the file node is colored RED. This is because the path to the .bclip file which drives the bones is invalid. Browse to the 08_01.bclip file and the rig will populate with the animation from the original BVH file.
NOTE: I typically scale this rig down by 0.01 at the object level to bring it into real world approximate size. It comes in very large.
Thanks man, i'll check it in Monday on job! Good weekend!
Technical Discussion » Error with Create/Modify Rig in Auto rig from shelf
- ArthurFX
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the existing auto rigs are depreciated - and I wouldn't recommend using them.
the existing auto rigs are depreciated - and I wouldn't recommend using them.
if you REALLY want to you can try building an auto rig with Houdini 14 - once the rigs are built they should be useable in 15.5.
this is an area of ACTIVE development - stay tuned.
Oh, i see. Thank you for info. I think I should dive deeper in create own rigs for characters.
Technical Discussion » Error with Create/Modify Rig in Auto rig from shelf
- ArthurFX
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EnivobNo, I just try use only from auto rig shelf, Hmmm, so I should use only hand made bones for rig and no other options for do this faster?
Auto RIG has been removed or depreciated for a couple of versions now. Have you tried using one of the newer built-in characters that ship with Houdini 15.5?
Feel free to upload your file.
Btw, thank you for your feedback.
Technical Discussion » Error with Create/Modify Rig in Auto rig from shelf
- ArthurFX
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My first thought was foreign characters in a user name path. Maybe changing the system language messed things up a bit? Try a re-install now that you have set the language to English.
Same problem on Mac and Linux, on different machines, on mac and linux primary Language native is English and user name also on english,
this is really confused me because auto rig is really awesome stuff but i can use it….
Can you test it and create deform and anim rig from auto rig,, or I can upload file with my errors?
Technical Discussion » Error with Create/Modify Rig in Auto rig from shelf
- ArthurFX
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Hi guys!
I have some issues with creating animation and deformation rig from any of auto regs from the shelf,
In console I see that lines –
Object/Biped_deform_rig?Object/Biped_deform_rig Error(1): Expecting open brace
When I check with middle mouse btn on auto rig i see many errors with this lines
Bad parameter reference “/display capture geometry” in parameter bla bla bla…
I'm on windows 8.1 primary language was changed to English.
Thank advance for any suggestions!
I have some issues with creating animation and deformation rig from any of auto regs from the shelf,
In console I see that lines –

When I check with middle mouse btn on auto rig i see many errors with this lines
Bad parameter reference “/display capture geometry” in parameter bla bla bla…
I'm on windows 8.1 primary language was changed to English.
Thank advance for any suggestions!
Houdini Lounge » FORUM DARK THEME
- ArthurFX
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