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Technical Discussion » Create Geosphere
- Stremik
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Houdini Lounge » apprentice v7.0.142 released
- Stremik
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Technical Discussion » Bridging?
- Stremik
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“PolyExtrude” the four edges of one box towards the other box.
“Merge” both boxes and than “Fuse” them.
“Merge” both boxes and than “Fuse” them.
Houdini Lounge » need idea for tree texture/shader!!!!
- Stremik
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Technical Discussion » html code
- Stremik
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Hmmm! Just uninstalled .325 and installed .331 and it still shows .314 when
I do Help>Version :?
Why is that?
I do Help>Version :?
Why is that?
Technical Discussion » html code
- Stremik
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Yea! Same thing here. Not with all OPs though.
Some work fine, some don't.
I think it's buggie.
Windows 2000 Pro SP4
Quadro4 980 XGL
512 MD DDR
BTW. Why when I do Help>Version, it says that the version is 6.1.314 :shock: :?:
Installer was 6.1.325
Some work fine, some don't.
I think it's buggie.
Windows 2000 Pro SP4
Quadro4 980 XGL
512 MD DDR
BTW. Why when I do Help>Version, it says that the version is 6.1.314 :shock: :?:
Installer was 6.1.325
Houdini Lounge » Dose anybody else miss OD[force]
- Stremik
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Houdini Lounge » Dose anybody else miss OD[force]
- Stremik
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I don't know about averybody else but I cannot get anywhere farther than the main forum page. Clicking on any of the topics listed on main page or any forum itself does nothing. It's trying and trying and trying …….. to load
the page and than times out. That's it.
the page and than times out. That's it.
Houdini Lounge » Nurbs Patch modelling
- Stremik
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Technical Discussion » Houdini on BeOS
- Stremik
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Houdini Lounge » Dose anybody else miss OD[force]
- Stremik
- 170 posts
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lol !!! You guys are funny.
Don't get me wrong here, I mean no offence but
where were you when Od was still around?
As for challanges, I can think of one right now.
I remember once I came across some paper at Siggraph.
In that paper was described an method of simulating fire
spreading in an closed enviroment (a room, in particular) based
on phisical simulation and what is most interesting, it was done
with L-Systems. So, since Houdini has L-systems and everything
else required to create a fire why don't you try this challange.
Houdini Lounge » Dose anybody else miss OD[force]
- Stremik
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Houdini Lounge » Houdini goes to atlanta
- Stremik
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One thing that comes to my mind is Stop Motion animation. I would love to hear about how it's done. Things like stage setup, lighting, materials, cameras, lenses, film, and whatnot etc. Also examples of someones work, interviews with Stop Motion animators, tips, tricks……
Enough for now!
Enough for now!

Technical Discussion » Houdini+RH9, no go :(
- Stremik
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Son of a……! I've totally forgotten about editing this file!
It was still using the default driver.
But now I've changed it to “nvidia” and all is fine.
tkngs, thank you very much!
All right. Moving on. Say, can you please explain to me the deal with mashine name?
I can't aquire license because “localhost” apperantly is no good.
What should I do?
Thank you!
It was still using the default driver.
But now I've changed it to “nvidia” and all is fine.
tkngs, thank you very much!
All right. Moving on. Say, can you please explain to me the deal with mashine name?
I can't aquire license because “localhost” apperantly is no good.
What should I do?
Thank you!
Technical Discussion » how to set $JOB
- Stremik
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Arrrg. Damn shortcuts.
What I allways do is I cd in to a directory where hip file is and than load the file via command prompt.
What I allways do is I cd in to a directory where hip file is and than load the file via command prompt.
Technical Discussion » Houdini+RH9, no go :(
- Stremik
- 170 posts
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Whell, that's just great.
Now I'm getting this same error under Mandrake 9.2
What is interesting though, at first, I didn't have NVIDIA drivers installed and
with Mandrake's default driver I didn't get this error.
I've had problems of different kind. In particular, when I tried to run Houdini
I got this error
Xlib: extention “XFree86-DRI” missing on display “0:0”.
After I did a little recearch on the web, I found out that to fix that i have a
choice of 2. Ither download it and install XFree86-DRI itself
or install latest NVIDIA driver since XFree86-DRI is included in driver.
I installed the driver and now I'm stuck with this “bad window” thing.
All this is happening under KDE 3.1 so I suppose it's not “Metacity” problem right?
Anybody can hel me out here?!!!
Thank you.
Now I'm getting this same error under Mandrake 9.2
What is interesting though, at first, I didn't have NVIDIA drivers installed and
with Mandrake's default driver I didn't get this error.
I've had problems of different kind. In particular, when I tried to run Houdini
I got this error
Xlib: extention “XFree86-DRI” missing on display “0:0”.
After I did a little recearch on the web, I found out that to fix that i have a
choice of 2. Ither download it and install XFree86-DRI itself
or install latest NVIDIA driver since XFree86-DRI is included in driver.
I installed the driver and now I'm stuck with this “bad window” thing.
All this is happening under KDE 3.1 so I suppose it's not “Metacity” problem right?
Anybody can hel me out here?!!!
Thank you.
Technical Discussion » How to make particles flow along a spline? Old question.
- Stremik
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On the object level, in the objects Transform parameters, doesn't “Path-Object”
and “Auto-Bank factor” parameters do the trick for you?
and “Auto-Bank factor” parameters do the trick for you?
Houdini Lounge » How to render in the DOS command mode ?
- Stremik
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On Win2K it could also be a “PATH” variable problem.
Check if “C:\whereever houdini is installed\bin” is in the path.
Check if “C:\whereever houdini is installed\bin” is in the path.
Houdini Lounge » Editing "Graph Editor"
- Stremik
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Technical Discussion » cannot create new desktop
- Stremik
- 170 posts
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Yep. It's a bug. The way around it is to open Desktop Manager and create
a new desktop in there. Than switch to that desktop and customize it.
a new desktop in there. Than switch to that desktop and customize it.
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