Hello - apologies, this fell off the table (no pun).
File is available for download on the Content Library, thanks for patience (and forgiveness!).
direct link here -- https://www.sidefx.com/contentlibrary/cops-colorful-plate-texture-maps/ [www.sidefx.com]
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Houdini Lounge » Copernicus Example File
- fianna
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Houdini Lounge » R&D Panel at HIVE Horizon
- fianna
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Thanks for the input! I have included them into the list of talking points and will try to keep a tight schedule to get all points discussed (not only what was mentioned here).
Houdini Lounge » R&D Panel at HIVE Horizon
- fianna
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The R&D Panel coming up at HIVE Horizon [www.sidefx.com] will have lead developers who oversee FX, Solaris, Rendering, Character, PDG, 3rd-party (Houdini Engine), ML, COPs. This panel is a chance for the community to interface with them, to get a glimpse of development objectives, priorities, and general planning. We would like to gather online questions/thoughts/ideas, and combine them with those from live audience attending as well. The 90-minute session will not allow us to cover everything, but perhaps we can rely on community voting/participation to help prioritize some of these talking points. If you have something you would like discussed, please post below+keep the question/thought/idea to a concise 1-2 sentences maximum, thank you!
Edited by fianna - 2024年8月28日 15:58:02
Houdini Lounge » Copernicus Example File
- fianna
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Hello - we aim to release this, along with other available H20.5 sneak-peek files by end of month. Will prioritize this one along with a few others that have been requested. I'll post here when this one goes live. Thanks for your patience!
Houdini Learning Materials » Blackhawk Tutorial: Request to split/optimize files
- fianna
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Houdini Lounge » Houdini 20 keynote
- fianna
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Igor Zanic will be doing a presentation at the upcoming Belgrade HUG. During the beta, he was primarily (if not entirely) working on a single desktop, to evaluate performance. We will be recording and posting the event; probably he will mention overall impressions on the new Flip Volume Combine and overall workflow feel. Also, if you are in Belgrade, do come attend - it is happening next week!
https://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-jpcpccev/events/297091029/ [www.meetup.com]
https://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-jpcpccev/events/297091029/ [www.meetup.com]
Houdini Lounge » 19.5 daily builds
- fianna
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dytsI asked guys and they said "soon".
ok for the content library but what about daily builds ?
Houdini Lounge » 19.5 daily builds
- fianna
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Hi guys - sorry for the delay, but we are just getting a few things in order, before posting the Content Library material for pyro examples, as well as some of the other files shown in the H19.5 release material. Apologies for the inconvenience, and thanks for your patience. We will be sure to make it known once these are published.
Houdini Lounge » Any houdini 19.5 rumors?
- fianna
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Work in Progress » KineFX and Crowds: Robot Project
- fianna
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yep MoI is great nurbs modeler and... yes, I still can't believe that it is the one dude all this time.
Work in Progress » KineFX and Crowds: Robot Project
- fianna
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moI? looks like moI
I'm a sucker for hardsurface geo, so...even just this preview is already doing it
will be keeping an eye on this thread!

I'm a sucker for hardsurface geo, so...even just this preview is already doing it

will be keeping an eye on this thread!
Houdini Lounge » Any rumours of Houdini 19?
- fianna
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didnt have to quite wait till monday, as someone posted earlier
https://vimeo.com/631356144 [vimeo.com]

https://vimeo.com/631356144 [vimeo.com]
Houdini Lounge » Stoneage Houdini
- fianna
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Houdini Lounge » When is houdini 19 coming out?
- fianna
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Hmmmm probably best if we all just chill before this innocent thread gets completely out of hand because text is sometimes hard at capturing tones/personalities, etc etc, especially when you've not met in person and capture full intonations and such. I think it is safe to say that whenever any company makes a public announcement, it is the indication that the message is ready for public consumption. But prior to that moment, there is probably no sense in having any public discussions or messages if there is nothing to say. Repeat patterns could just be high-frequency coincidences. We appreciate the interest and anticipation - stay cool (pun is optional).
Houdini Learning Materials » Request for Mechanical Rigging Tutorial Series
- fianna
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Houdini Lounge » Is Houdini 18 Backport The News for new version?
- fianna
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- fianna
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- fianna
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I would like to invite you to our upcoming Toronto HUG event.
Of course, under normal circumstance, this would take place at our SideFX HQ, so only local people could join.
But now, under our special circumstance, we have special event
so everyone can attend online!
There will be a chat with XAPKOHHEH and Alexey Vanzhula, as well as a little presentation from XAPKOHHEH
It's next Friday, June 26 at 13:00 EST.
More information, follow the link!
https://www.meetup.com/Toronto-Houdini-Users-Group/events/271358843/ [www.meetup.com]

Of course, under normal circumstance, this would take place at our SideFX HQ, so only local people could join.
But now, under our special circumstance, we have special event

There will be a chat with XAPKOHHEH and Alexey Vanzhula, as well as a little presentation from XAPKOHHEH

It's next Friday, June 26 at 13:00 EST.
More information, follow the link!
https://www.meetup.com/Toronto-Houdini-Users-Group/events/271358843/ [www.meetup.com]
Edited by fianna - 2020年6月17日 19:04:26
Technical Discussion » Silly question about polysplit
- fianna
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AFAIK there isnt a way to constraint like in PS.
you can either:
- enable Divisions in polysplit (for snapping points)
- use Knife and enable either grid or point snapping
* oops i forgot to mention you also have Clip SOP (just change Keep to All Primitives)
you can either:
- enable Divisions in polysplit (for snapping points)
- use Knife and enable either grid or point snapping
* oops i forgot to mention you also have Clip SOP (just change Keep to All Primitives)
Edited by fianna - 2018年9月2日 20:46:14
Houdini Lounge » Siggraph 2018
- fianna
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@fuos @vux sorry guys but i'm not gonna comment beyond what i showed in the presentation. hope that you can understand :-|
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