I'm new to KineFX. Ive managed to get 3 fbx animation blending together ok with motionclips and motionclipsequence SOPs. However, when the blends happen, the character's feet clip through the ground. What's the best way to fix this? I tried a motionclipextract and setting the feet joints to 0 in Y but the motionclipupdate would apply the change to a motionclipsequence output.
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Technical Discussion » Kine FX stop foot clipping through ground
- lloydwood
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Technical Discussion » Reseeding when reseeding is off?
- lloydwood
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I have a fluid sim with reseeding and narrow band turned off. I want to do some secondary stuff based on speed and vorticity of the particles in the sim. I filter the point according to thresholds on speed and velocity and remove all the other particles. What I notice is that I have a load of randomly generated pockets of speed and vorticity in the fluid. What is this caused by? I thought it might be reseeding causing bursts where new particles are added but it's off so the behaviour is unexpected.
I have a fluid sim with reseeding and narrow band turned off. I want to do some secondary stuff based on speed and vorticity of the particles in the sim. I filter the point according to thresholds on speed and velocity and remove all the other particles. What I notice is that I have a load of randomly generated pockets of speed and vorticity in the fluid. What is this caused by? I thought it might be reseeding causing bursts where new particles are added but it's off so the behaviour is unexpected.
3rd Party » Renderman 26 in Solaris Volume Light
- lloydwood
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This is just a quick question: Does Renderman 26 (RIS) in Solaris support volume light (the light from the emission of the volume casting onto the scene around it)? I know it doesn't support mesh lights but I thought volume light might work. Doesn't seem to be though.
Technical Discussion » Strange Vellum Hair behaviour
- lloydwood
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Ah. After the copy. Of course, because the orientation wouldn't be updated. Thanks Tomas!
Technical Discussion » Strange Vellum Hair behaviour
- lloydwood
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I'm getting some odd results whilst simming some tufts of hair.
I'm copying the tufts onto some scattered points and then testing with gravity. Instead of the tufts falling straight down, I get an odd push along the positove Z axis which leads to an un-natural look.
I cannot figure out what is causing this. I've tried the simplest setup I can think of and I still get the odd result. I've attached and example file and any insight would be great.
I'm copying the tufts onto some scattered points and then testing with gravity. Instead of the tufts falling straight down, I get an odd push along the positove Z axis which leads to an un-natural look.
I cannot figure out what is causing this. I've tried the simplest setup I can think of and I still get the odd result. I've attached and example file and any insight would be great.
Solaris and Karma » Are animated textures possible in LOPs/Karma?
- lloydwood
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Ok, so this is fixed by turning on Allow Shader Parameter Animation on the materiallibrary LOP🤦
Edited by lloydwood - 2023年2月2日 10:58:38
Solaris and Karma » Are animated textures possible in LOPs/Karma?
- lloydwood
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I've tried several approaches but can't seem to find a way to have an animated texture (texture sequence) work in USD. Has anybody managed this or is it not possible?
Solaris and Karma » Recursive prim rename using RestructureSceneGraphLOP - 19.0
- lloydwood
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This is much trickier than it might appear, unfortunately. You are correct in that renaming the first primitive basically invalidates the prim pattern from continuing. Recursively renaming, or renaming the whole primitive path, will need to be handled specifically, but hasn't come up until now; and it gets much, much trickier when variants are involved. Can I ask you to log an RFE for this, please? ForEach LOP suffers from basically same issue. I tried to put together a workaround, but couldn't manage to do so.
In the mean time, another temporary workaround could be to pull the USD Prims into SOPs, and re-authoring the @path/@name attributes there. You'd then need to copy any attributes, transforms, etc... on the ancestor Xforms, but I think all the pieces are there to do that? Sorry we don't have a great solution right now, for fixing these exported prim paths.
But as for the issue you are tryin to solve, there should be a way to turn off the prefixing of scene paths in the program you're exporting from, I'd expect? It's a workflow adjustment (especially for workflows/artists/departments used to treating hierarchy as a UI), but since the prim path/hierarchy in USD is the UUID, exports should ideally be setup to export to the right prim paths. Otherwise you have to do a bunch of prim renaming/mangling, which is always prone to issues, especially with VariantSpecs in the mix. I can't remember if Blender even has this problem, but I'm positive there are ways to fix the namespace getting prefixed, coming out of Maya? Those are the two most common non-Solaris/public sources of USD data that I'm aware of...
I also running into this issue and am trying out the workaround. I renamed the prims but I end up with a new set of prims and the old set still there. I'm thinking that's correct (can't delete stuff in USD world) but not sure? I can always clean the old prims up with a restructure. The part I'm not sure about is how to copy the transforms from the old prims to the new ones?
Solaris and Karma » Reference LOP requiring save path?
- lloydwood
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I figured it out. I needed to turn of Edit Root layer so that the sublayers became part of the reference LOP layer stack. Again not sure of exactly why this works but it solved my issue.
Solaris and Karma » Reference LOP requiring save path?
- lloydwood
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To add to this. There is a sublayer underneath the Reference LOP which modifies the incoming references and it is this that seems to cause the need for a save path. I am not sure why that is though?
Solaris and Karma » Reference LOP requiring save path?
- lloydwood
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I have a reference LOP referencing in 4 different usds. When I save this out further down the network with a USD ROP set to Flatten Implicit Layers, I get a warning saying that it had to save the reference LOP's implicit layer to the emergency path Houdini generates. I've never had this before with a reference LOP. Normally the layer just gets collapsed, no path required. Any ideas what might cause this issue?
Edited by lloydwood - 2023年1月17日 13:00:33
Solaris and Karma » Switch if prim exists
- lloydwood
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Yes. That works nicely. Code for the test:
I'm on Houdini 19.0.383 currently so can't do the activation parameter thing but that looks cool and I'll keep it in mind for when we upgrade our Houdini version.
if pwd().input(0).stage().GetPrimAtPath("/Render/Products").IsValid(): return 0 return 1
I'm on Houdini 19.0.383 currently so can't do the activation parameter thing but that looks cool and I'll keep it in mind for when we upgrade our Houdini version.
Solaris and Karma » Switch if prim exists
- lloydwood
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Thanks. I had a similar thought but you got further with the code than I managed! I'll try this out. I was hoping there would be a simpler way though. Perhaps not.
Solaris and Karma » Switch if prim exists
- lloydwood
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I'm trying to to get a switch in lops to change based on whether a prim exists or not. The aim is to automatically create a beauty rendervar and product if one has not be defined. I can't work out how to set the switch lop up to achieve this though. Basically if "/Render/Products/beauty" exists, 0, else, 1.
Solaris and Karma » Material LPE
- lloydwood
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I'm am trying to get an LPE for a material in my scene. Is this possible in Karma? I basically want to be able to tag a material and then use that tag in an LPE to get just that material's contribution to the beauty. I've tried all sorts of stuff but I can't get it working. Has anybody managed to do this?
PDG/TOPs » Python processor external script can't import pdgcmd/pdgjson
- lloydwood
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I'm trying to write a python processor top to run txmake on some input images as a bit of an exercise. I am following the docs: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/tops/stocknodes.html#generate [www.sidefx.com] and have managed to get the processor to generate some work items so that bit is working. I created an external python script to run the actual command as recommended but it is unable to import either pdgcmd or pdgjson. I'm not sure how to achieve that part and it's not entirely clear from the docs. I added $HHP/pdgjob/pdgcmd.py and $HHP/pdgjob/pdgjson.py in the files sections of the python processor top but this doesn't seem to do anything. What environment is the external script running in at the point of execution? Do I need an env var pointing at those modules or something?
Technical Discussion » Material X random node?
- lloydwood
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I'm creating a material X shader and have come up against a bit of a roadblock. I need to be able to generate a random value with the output of from a material X node as the seed. I figured I'd just use the random material X node but there doesn't seem to be one. Ok, I thought, I'll use a VEX snippet but you can't do that either. So now I'm stuck and looking at having to do it as a standard Houdini material. Before I do, is there a way around this?
Technical Discussion » Stop Gamma Correct for Background Images when using ACES.
- lloydwood
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Technical Discussion » Stop Gamma Correct for Background Images when using ACES.
- lloydwood
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Thanks sekow. That's what I thought.
It's more about trying to generate a backplate that works across multiple DCCs but I don't think it's going to be possible as they all seem to have different capabilities and approaches when it comes to handling viewport colour management.
It's more about trying to generate a backplate that works across multiple DCCs but I don't think it's going to be possible as they all seem to have different capabilities and approaches when it comes to handling viewport colour management.
Edited by lloydwood - 2021年10月12日 07:44:20
Technical Discussion » Faster launch times?
- lloydwood
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So this is an old thread but seems relevant to an issue I am having. We are finding Houdini takes significantly longer to start up when it has packages (qLib, SideFXLabs, etc) located centrally on the server rather than locally on a User's machine.
With the local setup (Houdini and external OTL libraries locally installed), it takes about 40s to start.
With a network setup (Houdini local and external OTL libraries in a network location), it takes up to 5mins to start.
Could network lag be responsible for all of this difference or could something else be going on?
With the local setup (Houdini and external OTL libraries locally installed), it takes about 40s to start.
With a network setup (Houdini local and external OTL libraries in a network location), it takes up to 5mins to start.
Could network lag be responsible for all of this difference or could something else be going on?
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