Have you tried breaking into clustered pieces then *separate* the clusters after a "rbd connected faces"
node using an explode node, transform pieces, whatever.
Then use a "rbd disconnected faces" node to remove internal surfaces of pieces/clusters that have *not* separated.
This will leave just the exterior shell of the fractured object and a much lower poly count.
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Technical Discussion » Removing interior geometry
- EZiniT
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Help on Group by Range Node
- EZiniT
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The range is working with numeric values, it's not a wrapping effect which is what I think
you were expecting, by shifting 1 row by 1 for example and whatever goes off one side appears
on the other.
This is not the case here.
Selecting 1 of 11 will evaluate to 1, 1+11=12, 12+11=23, 23+11=34 etc
Offset by 1 and you get the 2, 13, 24, 35 .... 90+11=101 ,not a value in the bottom row.
For your third image offset by 2.....80+11 = 91
you were expecting, by shifting 1 row by 1 for example and whatever goes off one side appears
on the other.
This is not the case here.
Selecting 1 of 11 will evaluate to 1, 1+11=12, 12+11=23, 23+11=34 etc
Offset by 1 and you get the 2, 13, 24, 35 .... 90+11=101 ,not a value in the bottom row.
For your third image offset by 2.....80+11 = 91
Technical Discussion » Having troubles with the Channel SOP
- EZiniT
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Updated your example to work with "animated", As far as I am aware and according to the docs animated works
with "point" location or attributes
So how?
Import the "point" values over time into chops using a geometry node set to animated, then adjust the channels inside
chops and pull back using the channel node in sop set to animated.
Lots of fun to be had with chops but it sure is confusing and really lacks docs and good tutorials.
with "point" location or attributes
So how?
Import the "point" values over time into chops using a geometry node set to animated, then adjust the channels inside
chops and pull back using the channel node in sop set to animated.
Lots of fun to be had with chops but it sure is confusing and really lacks docs and good tutorials.
Technical Discussion » In Houdini, how to assign levels to the branches of a center
- EZiniT
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You could use "edgeTransport" node to move an attribute along the branches of the tree, in this example using
an L-system for the tree, it's just a case of doing something with that attribute then.
Maybe this helps.
an L-system for the tree, it's just a case of doing something with that attribute then.
Maybe this helps.
Technical Discussion » Add Edge Loop from Edge Group?
- EZiniT
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Group the edges (green) the "edgedivide" with connect points turned on will create the red edge/edges.
Technical Discussion » Help with ambient occlusion in solaris
- EZiniT
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Technical Discussion » How to cut shape at specific heights?
- EZiniT
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Try one of these nodes.....Knife, Clip, Polysplit, Polydraw.
If you wanted to "split/cut" the geometry into 2 parts you could also use a flat grid as a cutting
plane and a Boolean set to shatter.
If you wanted to "split/cut" the geometry into 2 parts you could also use a flat grid as a cutting
plane and a Boolean set to shatter.
Technical Discussion » PolyExtrude inset cause weird distortion
- EZiniT
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Interesting.....deserving of an RFE maybe.
Doesn't immediately look like there is an option to get the same outcome on the new 2.0 node itself.
A workaround/chore to get the same result is using an edit sop to straighten selection of the edges after the fact.
There is also the "edge straighten" node to accept a group which does the same thing more procedurally.
Doesn't immediately look like there is an option to get the same outcome on the new 2.0 node itself.
A workaround/chore to get the same result is using an edit sop to straighten selection of the edges after the fact.
There is also the "edge straighten" node to accept a group which does the same thing more procedurally.
Technical Discussion » snap to its own element
- EZiniT
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Well yes and no, So just to clarify at the "Object" level that would be editing the "container" (which does have a pivot translate parameter)....not the "box node" inside, changing transforms/pivot at the object level will move the container with it's contents but any local coordinates for the box would be unchanged.
Forgive me for stating the obvious for most, I'm certain 99.5% know this distinction already, just being clear in case there are any complete beginners reading this......I know it tripped me up once or twice in my first hours of Houdini.
Anyone saying it didn't ever catch them out at least once is not being honest, watch your back with them :^)
Forgive me for stating the obvious for most, I'm certain 99.5% know this distinction already, just being clear in case there are any complete beginners reading this......I know it tripped me up once or twice in my first hours of Houdini.
Anyone saying it didn't ever catch them out at least once is not being honest, watch your back with them :^)
Technical Discussion » PolyBevel Drag-LMB to change distance doesn't work sometimes
- EZiniT
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I had this exact same issue on an older versions of Houdini but haven't experienced it at all recently.....currently using the daily build. 20.0.735.
Technical Discussion » snap to its own element
- EZiniT
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This is because the cube/box node doesn't have a pivot attribute.....it just has size, centre, rotate etc.....as you observed you can snap its location to another object no problem by its "centre" but no way to adjust the pivot location on the box node.
Add a "transform" node, then adjust this nodes pivot position, rotations etc to control the location of the box the same method as you tried (insert) key or (shift+") and it will work as expected.
Couple of tips I use to help snapping objects:
"w" key for wireframe is your friend and will help greatly to hit those points that at are sometimes hard/impossible to snap too.
Right click the snap icons for properties (left of viewport) and turn on "templates" if its not on so any node you template "pink tab" you can use as a snapping object.
Hope this helps!
Add a "transform" node, then adjust this nodes pivot position, rotations etc to control the location of the box the same method as you tried (insert) key or (shift+") and it will work as expected.
Couple of tips I use to help snapping objects:
"w" key for wireframe is your friend and will help greatly to hit those points that at are sometimes hard/impossible to snap too.
Right click the snap icons for properties (left of viewport) and turn on "templates" if its not on so any node you template "pink tab" you can use as a snapping object.
Hope this helps!
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Edge highlighting looks very bad.
- EZiniT
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Try hitting "d" with the mouse hovering over the viewport.....have a dig around, lots of
settings to help greatly improve what you are seeing in your images.
settings to help greatly improve what you are seeing in your images.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Display Flag and Lights Problem
- EZiniT
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My intention is to be able to have independent scenes on each Subnet and turn them off and on without the lights and other elements of these scenes interfering with the others.
So basic example if I get you:
some geo of an Apple object, turn off the apple model geometry visibility(blue tab) at object level and a given light node will "turn off" with it....turn on apple (blue tab), light turns on.....without the apple being visible there is no light, right?
OK, seems reasonable ish......BUT!
Would it not make more sense to setup standard light linking/masking instead and have certain lights that only affect specific geometry?
Technical Discussion » Assign a switch input to a point ID
- EZiniT
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You're very close, there is no reason for a switch node in this case when using "copy to points" as it has an in built
parameter called "piece attribute" which can be used to say essentially "what" should I copy onto this point.
Also there is no need to pack the geometry as again using this "copy to points" node has packing built into its functionality.
parameter called "piece attribute" which can be used to say essentially "what" should I copy onto this point.
Also there is no need to pack the geometry as again using this "copy to points" node has packing built into its functionality.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Ray project line smoothing between objects
- EZiniT
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There is also the labs node called "edge_smooth"
"group" sharper edges by the angle between them.....then adjust.
"group" sharper edges by the angle between them.....then adjust.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Drive transformations at object level from inside a node.
- EZiniT
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Driving a NULL/Camera etc at object level from SOP level geometry can be done with rivets and a blend.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Flyover Effect Spaceship
- EZiniT
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Hey welcome,
Maybe break your question down into much smaller parts, unless you're hoping for a 30 page reply!
TBH...I wasn't aware Alien had a lake, unless you are talking about the cool landing shot in Alien covenant.
(That's not a Alien movie imho, pfft lol)
This right?
Maybe break your question down into much smaller parts, unless you're hoping for a 30 page reply!
TBH...I wasn't aware Alien had a lake, unless you are talking about the cool landing shot in Alien covenant.
(That's not a Alien movie imho, pfft lol)
This right?
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Static Object Collision Side
- EZiniT
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Odforce, the 2nd home for Houdini users recently had an interesting thread about this. under effects.
Flip pouring into closed container.
Flip pouring into closed container.
Edited by EZiniT - 2024年6月24日 17:01:56
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » group from spare input
- EZiniT
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Houdini 20 "Failed to load denoiser"
- EZiniT
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My first thought, Karma or Mantra, second thought, has it ever worked on your current system's hardware?
Are you using a GPU that supports denoising......according to "support"
The OptiX Denoiser requires a Kepler or later NVIDIA GPU (K, P, M, V prefixes).
I haven't got an AMD GPU, does the current version of Houdini denoise works with them or not I don't know.
Though I imagine it's unlikely NVidia's Optix denoise will work with an AMD GPUs but perhaps Intels OIDN does?
Are you using a GPU that supports denoising......according to "support"
The OptiX Denoiser requires a Kepler or later NVIDIA GPU (K, P, M, V prefixes).
I haven't got an AMD GPU, does the current version of Houdini denoise works with them or not I don't know.
Though I imagine it's unlikely NVidia's Optix denoise will work with an AMD GPUs but perhaps Intels OIDN does?
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