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Houdini Learning Materials » Houdini foundations tutorial: nodes and networks
- FaitelTech
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You need to select all nodes and place them into subnet (Shift+C), then select the subnet node and create a digital asset from it.
Houdini Learning Materials » SDF Boolean Modeling Example
- FaitelTech
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People in the Modeler for Houdini [] Discord group were interested in SDF boolean operations, so I decided to create a simple example of SDF usage and share some notes.

At the bottom of this post, I have attached two versions of the same example file:
VDB_SDF_Modeling.hiplc - The original file, but it contains nodes from the Modeler 2023.4 plugin.
VDB_SDF_Modeling_Stashed.hiplc - A copy of the first file in which I replaced all operations from the Modeler 2023.4 plugin with Stash nodes.
If you do not have the Modeler [] plugin, then download the second file and you can still get an idea of boolean operations using SDF volumes.
The file contains examples of using the following nodes and operations:
VDB from Polygons (for converting polygonal geometry to SDF volume).
VDB Smooth SDF (for smoothing the edges of geometry similar to the results from polygonal round bevel).
VDB Resample (for changing voxel density to increase object detail).
VDB Combine (for boolean operations: SDF Union, SDF Difference, SDF Intersection).
VDB Reshape SDF (for expanding or narrowing voxel shapes, similar to the Peak operation).
VDB Convert (for converting SDF to polygonal geometry).
Volume Deform (for deforming voxel shapes, by using Lattice from Volume node in conjunction with Bend node to deform point grid which represents voxel grid).
Name and Attribute Edit String (for building hierarchy of LOP primitives while working in SOP)
Notes about using SDF nodes:
Notes on modeling in SOPs within LOPs:

I've used the video [] as reference for the model.
At the bottom of this post, I have attached two versions of the same example file:
VDB_SDF_Modeling.hiplc - The original file, but it contains nodes from the Modeler 2023.4 plugin.
VDB_SDF_Modeling_Stashed.hiplc - A copy of the first file in which I replaced all operations from the Modeler 2023.4 plugin with Stash nodes.
If you do not have the Modeler [] plugin, then download the second file and you can still get an idea of boolean operations using SDF volumes.
The file contains examples of using the following nodes and operations:
VDB from Polygons (for converting polygonal geometry to SDF volume).
VDB Smooth SDF (for smoothing the edges of geometry similar to the results from polygonal round bevel).
VDB Resample (for changing voxel density to increase object detail).
VDB Combine (for boolean operations: SDF Union, SDF Difference, SDF Intersection).
VDB Reshape SDF (for expanding or narrowing voxel shapes, similar to the Peak operation).
VDB Convert (for converting SDF to polygonal geometry).
Volume Deform (for deforming voxel shapes, by using Lattice from Volume node in conjunction with Bend node to deform point grid which represents voxel grid).
Name and Attribute Edit String (for building hierarchy of LOP primitives while working in SOP)
Notes about using SDF nodes:
- Increase voxel density only when necessary. Generally, I used a voxel size of 0.02 when converting geometry through VDB to Polygons and could move shapes interactivly. However, in some cases, I needed narrower or smaller bevels and increased density to 0.01 voxel per unit in exchange to performance.
- After all operations, you can also increase voxel density through VDB Resample to get a denser and more detailed polygonal mesh from Convert VDB.
- Use different smoothing modes to maintain performance. Instead of increasing the number of smoothing iterations in VDB Smooth SDF, try to change the type of operation: Mean Value for normal smoothing, Gaussian for strong smoothing, Mean Curvature Flow for weak smoothing or smoothing small details.
- If you need to place one object inside another, for example a button in a housing, use VDB Reshape SDF to expand the SDF before boolean subtraction.
- I didn't find a way to store color in SDF and pass it through boolean operations, so after converting to polygons by Convert VDB I used Bounding Volume in Group node to select the area that I want to color using SDF volume.
- Deform objects in voxels through Volume deform instead of deforming them in polygons. This is convenient because the bend deformer when used on polygons will not be able to bend the area where there is not enough geometry, but through Volume deform, you bend a point grid, so you can bend and deform even each pair of voxels.
Notes on modeling in SOPs within LOPs:
- To improve performance, prevent SOP from the constant transferring of data to LOPs. To do this, place Output node inside the SOP and connect the geometry to it only when you want to transfer it to the LOP, otherwise keep geometry disconnected.
- The same goes for working inside Component Geometry node: connect geometry to the default, proxy, and simproxy output nodes only when necessary, otherwise, the entire node tree will be recalculated with every change.
- Start building hierarchy of LOP primitives while still in SOPs. Hierarchy construction will occur from top to bottom, from leaf to root. At the very beginning (for leaves), add Name node that will create the corresponding attribute and enter the geometry name into it, for example, Mesh. Then add an Attribute Edit String node, specify that you want to edit Name attribute, and in Editor tab, set "*" (all existing names) in From parameter. To the To parameter add the name of the LOP primitive where you want to place the geometry, like "Primitive/*". Thus, the Name attribute will become "Primitive/Mesh". Further, continue to add Attribute Edit String nodes with the same parameters to assign more parents or to group primitives after merging. The last Attribute Edit String will have "/*" name set in To parameter and will close the path (for example, "/Gamepad/Triggers/Primitive1/Mesh").
I've used the video [] as reference for the model.
Edited by FaitelTech - 2023年3月28日 13:12:11
3rd Party » MaterialX Essentials (Nodes Pack)
- FaitelTech
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tamtegoldleafhow does one implement a new node that works for all MtlX renderers?
The MtlX TSC may prefer some of them to be lower-level, and implemented in code for their codegen targets
I assume implementing codegen targets will not make it work for Karma since we've been told Karma is not using any of those languages
But if Nodegraph doesn't have many basic functions what are the options if we don't want to implement basic libraries (like random, matrix math, quaternions, ...) using only available very elemental math functions from scratch?
As far as I understand, Materialx takes care of transliterating the code itself, and it's unlikely that we will get access to the level of shader languages. [] Page 82
It seems that it makes sense to cooperate more around developers of the standard rather than dcc or render engine, at least until we have enough low-level functions.
3rd Party » MaterialX Essentials (Nodes Pack)
- FaitelTech
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Thank you for your comments guys, I have taken them into account and added a license warning in How to install section. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. This is all I can do at the moment.
3rd Party » MaterialX Essentials (Nodes Pack)
- FaitelTech
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I have created a set of basic nodes that would help you create MaterialX shaders for Karma XPU.

List of available nodes:
Mtlx Place2D Random
Transform incoming UV texture coordinates in random range.
Mtlx Place3D
Transforms vector in 3D space.
Mtlx Simple Place3D
Simplified node for transforming vector in 3D space.
Mtlx Hash23 Random
Returns random vector.
Mtlx Lehmer Random
Generates random float number.
Mtlx Infinite Tiling
Repeating texture indefinitely without ever repeating exactly.
Mtlx Simple UV Noise
Offsets texture coordinates using noise.
Mtlx Hex Tile Grid
Generates two-dimensional grid made up of hexagon-shaped tiles.
Mtlx Simple Triplanar
Project textures from three axis and blends them together.
Mtlx Frac
Сalculates the fractional part of a value.
Mtlx Degrees to Radians
Converts angle from degrees to radians.
Mtlx Radians to Degree
Converts angle from radians to degree.
Mtlx Round
Round a number to the nearest whole number.
Mtlx Round Decimals
Rounds a given number to a specified number of decimal places.
Mtlx Saturate to Range
Clipping or saturating values that exceed the range limits.
I have also prepared a hip file with three examples:
Triplanar projection
Planar projection and UV noise
Infinite tiling
How to install:
1. Download from attachments below.
2. Extract the archive and copy to files to Houdini preference folder - otls (Houdini 19.5/otls).
Note: Only HDALC(indie) version of nodes is available.
3. Download MaterialX_Essentials_Examples.hiplc from attachments below.
4. Run the file to see examples.
"How can these nodes be applied?"
I created these nodes to be able to replicate the tutorials for Unreal Engine and Unity from Ben Cloward's youtube ( channel. You can also follow along with them.
"Are the coordinate systems of UE and Unity compatible with Houdini?"
MaterialX nodes resemble those of game engines, but their coordinate systems are actually different. Unity is somewhat closer to Houdini because Y points up, but in Unity, Z points in the opposite direction.
"I don't see equivalents for some nodes, what should I do?"
MaterialX is still in development, and some nodes may be missing, but many nodes simply have a different name or can be substituted with basic mathematical functions.
Here are some nodes from UE or Unity and their counterparts in MaterialX, for examples:
Lerp (UE/U) = Mix (Mtlx), A = Bg (input 2), B = Fg (input 1)
SplitComponents(UE)/Split(U) = Separate (Mtlx)
Append(UE)/Combine(U) = Combine (Mtlx)
One Minus (UE/U) = Complement (Mtlx Houdini)
Abs(UE) = Absval(Mtlx)
Reciprocal(U) = 1/X (Math)
Saturate = Saturate to Range(Mtlx Essentials)
Fraction(U) = Frac (Mtlx Essentials)
UV Transform(U) = Place2D (Mtlx)
Vertex Color(UE) = Geometry Color(Mtlx)
Position Vector(U) = Position (Mtlx)
Normal Vector(U) = Normal(Mtlx)
Have fun!
List of available nodes:
Mtlx Place2D Random
Transform incoming UV texture coordinates in random range.
Mtlx Place3D
Transforms vector in 3D space.
Mtlx Simple Place3D
Simplified node for transforming vector in 3D space.
Mtlx Hash23 Random
Returns random vector.
Mtlx Lehmer Random
Generates random float number.
Mtlx Infinite Tiling
Repeating texture indefinitely without ever repeating exactly.
Mtlx Simple UV Noise
Offsets texture coordinates using noise.
Mtlx Hex Tile Grid
Generates two-dimensional grid made up of hexagon-shaped tiles.
Mtlx Simple Triplanar
Project textures from three axis and blends them together.
Mtlx Frac
Сalculates the fractional part of a value.
Mtlx Degrees to Radians
Converts angle from degrees to radians.
Mtlx Radians to Degree
Converts angle from radians to degree.
Mtlx Round
Round a number to the nearest whole number.
Mtlx Round Decimals
Rounds a given number to a specified number of decimal places.
Mtlx Saturate to Range
Clipping or saturating values that exceed the range limits.
I have also prepared a hip file with three examples:
Triplanar projection
Planar projection and UV noise
Infinite tiling
How to install:
1. Download from attachments below.
2. Extract the archive and copy to files to Houdini preference folder - otls (Houdini 19.5/otls).
Note: Only HDALC(indie) version of nodes is available.
3. Download MaterialX_Essentials_Examples.hiplc from attachments below.
4. Run the file to see examples.
"How can these nodes be applied?"
I created these nodes to be able to replicate the tutorials for Unreal Engine and Unity from Ben Cloward's youtube ( channel. You can also follow along with them.
"Are the coordinate systems of UE and Unity compatible with Houdini?"
MaterialX nodes resemble those of game engines, but their coordinate systems are actually different. Unity is somewhat closer to Houdini because Y points up, but in Unity, Z points in the opposite direction.
"I don't see equivalents for some nodes, what should I do?"
MaterialX is still in development, and some nodes may be missing, but many nodes simply have a different name or can be substituted with basic mathematical functions.
Here are some nodes from UE or Unity and their counterparts in MaterialX, for examples:
Lerp (UE/U) = Mix (Mtlx), A = Bg (input 2), B = Fg (input 1)
SplitComponents(UE)/Split(U) = Separate (Mtlx)
Append(UE)/Combine(U) = Combine (Mtlx)
One Minus (UE/U) = Complement (Mtlx Houdini)
Abs(UE) = Absval(Mtlx)
Reciprocal(U) = 1/X (Math)
Saturate = Saturate to Range(Mtlx Essentials)
Fraction(U) = Frac (Mtlx Essentials)
UV Transform(U) = Place2D (Mtlx)
Vertex Color(UE) = Geometry Color(Mtlx)
Position Vector(U) = Position (Mtlx)
Normal Vector(U) = Normal(Mtlx)
Have fun!

Edited by FaitelTech - 2023年3月9日 05:57:41
Houdini Lounge » Chat GPT and Houdini
- FaitelTech
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VFX artist are first-rate beneficiaries of using semi-intellectual systems like ChatGPT, because the definitions of things we're doing are very blurry or imaginative and probability of any harm that could be done by cooperation of VFX artist and AI is very low. I don't know, why people tend to start using ChatGPT from programming, it looks like they are asking for some miracle rather than for actual help. As Tomas said, it's more like talking to a knowledgeable person, that's probably read a lot but after some time you spend with it, you'll understand that it isn't true specialist of any technical specialties rather than ultimate pretender. The best part of it is variety of themes you can talk about with AI, but not a depth or richness of those dialogues. For about two months it became parts of my daily routing, from what to cook if I have limited variety of ingredients or ideas for new year's party, to how to approximately calculate sequential physical behavior of animated object in my scene and other questions regarding camera lenses, color and music theory. The simple things you'll probably ask from a stranger/friend/parent/assistant/google but now in any moment and without any limitations. I think it would end up in futuristic fashion anyway (as merging of biological and ai brains my guess). Why not stop to worry and start to use it today for beneficial of your personal life and your loved ones, as all other things you do. Then of cause, with the advent of these tools, we naturally bear a responsibility to the global community to ensure their responsible use. We must not remain silent if we witness technology being used to harm others. As SWest pointed out, history has a tendency to repeat itself in the form of conflicts, especially when some have access to more resources for training machines than others. However, despite this, the benefits of technology are undeniable. In my preferences that this community actively shares and promotes innovative ways of utilizing AI for VFX production, simulating a realistic/imaginary worlds and tasks beyond that, and also assists others in understanding and implementing these approaches to not produce any conflicts mentioned above.
Edited by FaitelTech - 2023年1月15日 07:25:12
Houdini Learning Materials » KineFX Ball: Animation Rig and Geometry
- FaitelTech
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I made the rig for practice in animation and as example for how to make a squash and stretch constraint using KineFX.

It consists of 3 nodes:
1. KineFX Ball Geometry (optional) node contains set of 6 pre-cached geometry presets for different types of balls: Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball and Toy.
You can replace this node with any geometry that should be placed on the ground and be 1 unit in height.
Or don't use anything at all because next node contains a simple test sphere inside.

2. KineFX Ball Rig contains skeleton rig for a ball, controllers and shape library for them. You can change appearance of those shapes by diving inside the node and adjust Attach controls node's parameters.
3. KineFX Ball Animation gives you access to Rig Pose state for animating in viewport and set of parameters for precise control. The node also contains logic for calculating squash and stretch deformations of rig and Joint Deform to output final deformed(animated) geometry.
How to install:
1. Download the HDA files:
from attachments below.
2. Install them either through Houdini: File - Import - Houdini Digital Asset or copy them to the Houdini preferences folder (Documents/Houdini 19.5 on windows) - otls.
3. In SOP context in Houdini press TAB and type: KineFX Ball
How to animate a ball?
- The rig made and inspired to be used along with the tutorials for Maya:
FREE Ball Animation Rig for Maya []
Simple Ball Bounce Animation Tutorial []
Ball Bouncing Along Animation Tutorial in Maya - PART 2 []
But how to do the same in Houdini?
If you don't familiar with Houdini's animation editor watch the series:
Houdini Animation Editor 101 - Part I []
Houdini Animation Editor 101 - Part II []
How do I reset the animation?
In KineFX Ball Animation node right click on any parameter or parameters tab (Ball Animation tab for example) - Delete Channels, Revert to default.

It consists of 3 nodes:
1. KineFX Ball Geometry (optional) node contains set of 6 pre-cached geometry presets for different types of balls: Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball and Toy.
You can replace this node with any geometry that should be placed on the ground and be 1 unit in height.
Or don't use anything at all because next node contains a simple test sphere inside.
2. KineFX Ball Rig contains skeleton rig for a ball, controllers and shape library for them. You can change appearance of those shapes by diving inside the node and adjust Attach controls node's parameters.
3. KineFX Ball Animation gives you access to Rig Pose state for animating in viewport and set of parameters for precise control. The node also contains logic for calculating squash and stretch deformations of rig and Joint Deform to output final deformed(animated) geometry.
How to install:
1. Download the HDA files:
from attachments below.
2. Install them either through Houdini: File - Import - Houdini Digital Asset or copy them to the Houdini preferences folder (Documents/Houdini 19.5 on windows) - otls.
3. In SOP context in Houdini press TAB and type: KineFX Ball
How to animate a ball?
- The rig made and inspired to be used along with the tutorials for Maya:
FREE Ball Animation Rig for Maya []
Simple Ball Bounce Animation Tutorial []
Ball Bouncing Along Animation Tutorial in Maya - PART 2 []
But how to do the same in Houdini?
If you don't familiar with Houdini's animation editor watch the series:
Houdini Animation Editor 101 - Part I []
Houdini Animation Editor 101 - Part II []
How do I reset the animation?
In KineFX Ball Animation node right click on any parameter or parameters tab (Ball Animation tab for example) - Delete Channels, Revert to default.

Edited by FaitelTech - 2023年1月9日 17:03:12
3rd Party » Question about Modeler add-on
- FaitelTech
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Modeler is awesome, it always pushes Houdini to its limits in terms of usability and UX. Modeler's desktop demonstrates that the interface of Houdini can be very clean and extremely versatile at the same time, thanks to modeler's launcher menu which make difference between clicking on buttons and pressing hotkeys almost neglectable and because of that learning curve feels very smooth and natural. I agree with Timurproko that the unlimited history of edits provided by Houdini is a blessing in comparison with my modeling experience in other software packages. While sculpting as I seen in another thread is still under a big question in Houdini, polygonal modeling is already here if significantly enhanced by Modeler's unique tools such as Polypen, Flatten, improved Extrude and Bevel tools, EdgeFlow and QuadFlow, Move/smooth brush, Bridge connected, easy to use QuickPivot and Align tools and many others. So, I encourage everyone to give it a try and I wonder why there is no link to it yet: Modeler 2023 []
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 20 Rumors
- FaitelTech
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I hate to interrupt the existing blender versus everything conversation but here is my H20 expectation list:
SOP Flip presets for bubbles, ripples, waterfalls, melting, splashes, sinking, drops
Updated whitewater and new foam presets
Explosions pyro presets for volcano eruption, magic FX, serial explosions, cannon fire
Flame pyro presets for realistic and magic flames, flamethrower, fire sparks, and pyro spreading
Smoke presets for smoke trails, frost, sand storm, mist
MTLX shaders for water and pyro
SOP POP rebuild
Weather FX: Snow, Rain
Vellum wet grains
Vellum Muscles system release
KineFX presets for rig building, constraints, weights and motion capturing
KineFX fully functional auto rig for human and quadruped characters
Updated motion clip pose library
Spring physics quick setup from spiral/helix
KineFX vehicle rig tools
More KineFX plus physics simulation stuff
Crowd terrain footsteps system
Library for LOP lighting presets
LOP lens flares shader and self-illuminating lighting improvements
More LOP tools for world building and scattering
LOP and viewport atmosphere tool
City building toolkit
Interactive tree building toolkit
Quadremesh SOP
Feather tools
XPU release
Karma texture baking
New Vulkan viewport and Vulkan HDK
SOP Flip presets for bubbles, ripples, waterfalls, melting, splashes, sinking, drops
Updated whitewater and new foam presets
Explosions pyro presets for volcano eruption, magic FX, serial explosions, cannon fire
Flame pyro presets for realistic and magic flames, flamethrower, fire sparks, and pyro spreading
Smoke presets for smoke trails, frost, sand storm, mist
MTLX shaders for water and pyro
SOP POP rebuild
Weather FX: Snow, Rain
Vellum wet grains
Vellum Muscles system release
KineFX presets for rig building, constraints, weights and motion capturing
KineFX fully functional auto rig for human and quadruped characters
Updated motion clip pose library
Spring physics quick setup from spiral/helix
KineFX vehicle rig tools
More KineFX plus physics simulation stuff
Crowd terrain footsteps system
Library for LOP lighting presets
LOP lens flares shader and self-illuminating lighting improvements
More LOP tools for world building and scattering
LOP and viewport atmosphere tool
City building toolkit
Interactive tree building toolkit
Quadremesh SOP
Feather tools
XPU release
Karma texture baking
New Vulkan viewport and Vulkan HDK
Edited by FaitelTech - 2022年8月29日 03:56:18
Houdini Lounge » H19 and up, and Mapbox on Steroids
- FaitelTech
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Andi Farhall
Hi Faitel,
thanks for this, managed to get it working. Cheeky to ask, but I don't suppose theres an option to get an hda rather than an hdalc?
I wrote to Stanislav [] the author of the original Mapbox on steroids and he was kind enough to upgrade the asset to fully commercial HDA and place it on Gumroad.
You can download it here: []
Houdini Lounge » H19 and up, and Mapbox on Steroids
- FaitelTech
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3rd Party » VirtuCamera plugin: Virtual camera for Houdini (Py3) and iOS
- FaitelTech
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I can't get it to work im getting this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Object/virtucamera::1.2/create_capture_window", line 1, in <module>
File "/Applications/Houdini/Houdini19.5.330/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/19.5/Resources/houdini/python3.9libs/", line 50891, in __getattr__
return _hou.HDAModule___getattr__(self, name)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'VirtuCameraHoudini'
I can't get it to work im getting this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Object/virtucamera::1.2/create_capture_window", line 1, in <module>
File "/Applications/Houdini/Houdini19.5.330/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/19.5/Resources/houdini/python3.9libs/", line 50891, in __getattr__
return _hou.HDAModule___getattr__(self, name)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'VirtuCameraHoudini'
That means that virtucamera HDA can't find virtucamera folder in Houdini preference folder
Check that:
1) Documents\houdini19.5\virtucamera\python3.9libs folder exist
2) Documents\houdini19.5\packages\virtucamera.json file exist
3) You're running it on Windows machine
4) You're using python 3.9 Houdini build
3rd Party » VirtuCamera plugin: Virtual camera for Houdini (Py3) and iOS
- FaitelTech
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VirtuCamera plugin: Virtual camera for Houdini - Update 2.1.3 - Small Bug Fix
Minor fix for variable path in virtucamera.json package file.
Tested on Windows 10, Houdini 19.5.344, Iphone 11.
Minor fix for variable path in virtucamera.json package file.
Tested on Windows 10, Houdini 19.5.344, Iphone 11.
Edited by FaitelTech - 2022年8月20日 03:58:39
Houdini Lounge » H19 and up, and Mapbox on Steroids
- FaitelTech
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3rd Party » VirtuCamera plugin: Virtual camera for Houdini (Py3) and iOS
- FaitelTech
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VirtuCamera plugin: Virtual camera for Houdini - Update 2.1.3
Moved from Python 3.7 to 3.9 version, now compatible with Houdini 19.5
How to install:
1. Download and extract the attached archive.
2. Copy (otls, virtucamera, packages) folders from setup folder to Houdini19.5 preference folder.
3. Run VirtuCameraExample.hiplc from example folder (optional)
Moved from Python 3.7 to 3.9 version, now compatible with Houdini 19.5
How to install:
1. Download and extract the attached archive.
2. Copy (otls, virtucamera, packages) folders from setup folder to Houdini19.5 preference folder.
3. Run VirtuCameraExample.hiplc from example folder (optional)
Houdini Lounge » SIGGRAPH videos
- FaitelTech
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They've updated siggraph 2022 [] page, scroll down to Presentation section.
Houdini Lounge » 19.5 Daily Builds?
- FaitelTech
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I guess SideFX will start to publish daily builds on Monday, as it was with h19 []
Houdini Lounge » will houdini consider adopting the new C4D/blender like UI?
- FaitelTech
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Despite UX,UI really needs more love.
All you need is AXSC Dark Theme from Alex, optionally raise UI gamma to your liking.
You can grab it here: []
Or perhaps I'll actually finish mine and post that, which is quite similar![]()
Also, there is a flat theme shipped with Qlib []
Houdini Lounge » Any houdini 19.5 rumors?
- FaitelTech
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DigipictionhabernirAlso, when will it be available as a video?
anyone can say some words on how was the presentation?
Houdini 19.5 Launch and Games Workshop: []
The event is being recorded and will be available online on Wednesday July 20
Edited by FaitelTech - 2022年7月19日 03:58:35
Houdini Lounge » Any houdini 19.5 rumors?
- FaitelTech
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DigipictionhabernirWould this also mean support for nodes that aren't Material X? That would be awesome!polasti believe karma XPU will go beta with principled shader support. i will be surprised if they don't because everyone expecting this.
I have enough of render plugins ! please give us the best xpu render ever!
I don't think it would because of the quote from Materialx documentation []:
MaterialX shading networks are designed to be portable between applications and renderers.
Because Karma XPU will never support the traditional VEX-based shaders used by Mantra and Karma CPU, MaterialX is probably the future of writing shaders for the Karma renderer.
Edited by FaitelTech - 2022年7月12日 11:02:48
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