Yes you are right, Object merge is what you are looking for. One more quick tip. In network editor If you go to view > enable dependencies For selected. Then you can see a brown wire for selected node which shows connection from object merge to your source node. It will be handy to keep it enabled.
Hope that helps 😊
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Technical Discussion » Hiding the node wires
- Mohanpugaz
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Houdini Lounge » Scene view --> weird gradient issue
- Mohanpugaz
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Looks like this is the reason for sure. As malexander said.
Just set that to default, this will get fixed
Just set that to default, this will get fixed
Houdini Lounge » Queue multiple Solaris ROP nodes in Scheduler
- Mohanpugaz
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Hi Eikonoklastes,
Houdini is such a masterpiece, I agree that there are things that can to be improved, but its defenitely not a nightmare
And for this particular case Houdini has a great solution, I'm sure you will love it.
There is something called a parameter spreadsheet in Houdini,

1 - drag your node/nodes here, or copy paste node path and you can use wildcards as i used here
3 - drag any parms in empty area of the spreadsheet
2 - the dragged parms parms will gets filled in this field, you can use wildcards here as well
once you have done this you can view everything at one place and you can bulk edit parms as you wish.
This spreadsheet can be used to control any object's parms not just ROPS so it is far more useful and very simple.
if you want more then you can also create bundles of your favorite nodes to change and point to your bundle (instead of selecting and dragging nodes)in the field marked 1
Only thing you would still do is that you have to fecth the rops as usual to a ropnet, but i don't see that as a bad thing,
you can visually define your dependencies which is a great thing to have. when you have complex scene with different rops depends on other rops then this will save you.
I did not understand this point, fetch is just a ROP node that points to your other Ropsops(such as fileCache) somewhere else in the scene. you don't need to manually rename anything in there, if you rename your source node it should automatically update in the fetch's source parm.

I hope this helps.
Houdini is such a masterpiece, I agree that there are things that can to be improved, but its defenitely not a nightmare

And for this particular case Houdini has a great solution, I'm sure you will love it.
There is something called a parameter spreadsheet in Houdini,
1 - drag your node/nodes here, or copy paste node path and you can use wildcards as i used here
3 - drag any parms in empty area of the spreadsheet
2 - the dragged parms parms will gets filled in this field, you can use wildcards here as well
once you have done this you can view everything at one place and you can bulk edit parms as you wish.
This spreadsheet can be used to control any object's parms not just ROPS so it is far more useful and very simple.
if you want more then you can also create bundles of your favorite nodes to change and point to your bundle (instead of selecting and dragging nodes)in the field marked 1
Only thing you would still do is that you have to fecth the rops as usual to a ropnet, but i don't see that as a bad thing,
you can visually define your dependencies which is a great thing to have. when you have complex scene with different rops depends on other rops then this will save you.
If you have to manually name each Fetch ROP to correspond to the ROP you want to render, you'll have to include important info like frame range and resolution. Manually.
If you change any important settings on the source ROP, you have to manually rename the Fetch ROP again and whatever manual comments you have added, and if you forget to do that, that's going to cause more confusion when you return to this network.
I did not understand this point, fetch is just a ROP node that points to your other Ropsops(such as fileCache) somewhere else in the scene. you don't need to manually rename anything in there, if you rename your source node it should automatically update in the fetch's source parm.
I hope this helps.

Technical Discussion » Integrating pycharm and Houdini
- Mohanpugaz
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Thanks for the answers, i ve read through many forum and posts but couldnt able to import hou into pycharm .
When i try this, i cant able to select the hython.exe, it error `invalid interpreter name`
You can use hython.exe from $HFS/bin instead of python.exe
When i try this, i cant able to select the hython.exe, it error `invalid interpreter name`
Edited by Mohanpugaz - 2023年5月24日 04:40:18
Houdini Lounge » Missing Shelf Tools
- Mohanpugaz
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Hi guys,
Have anyone faced this before, im loosing my custom shelf tools often. i dont know what is causing this. if anyone know what im doing wrong please let me know, thanks in advance.
Have anyone faced this before, im loosing my custom shelf tools often. i dont know what is causing this. if anyone know what im doing wrong please let me know, thanks in advance.
Mardini 2023 » Day 15 | Motion | Leap | Animation
- Mohanpugaz
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Mardini 2023 » Day 14 | Motion | Grow | Animation
- Mohanpugaz
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MARDINI Daily Art Challenge 2022 » Day 11 Image | Vellum | Fluid
- Mohanpugaz
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Hi Guys, Did this in the last 2 hours rush, literally at the last minute Im submitting 


Edited by Mohanpugaz - 2022年3月12日 05:45:28
Technical Discussion » Karma ROP - instancing not working
- Mohanpugaz
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I can see my main splash in karma, so im sure all works good in the scene except the instances.
Technical Discussion » Karma ROP - instancing not working
- Mohanpugaz
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Hi guys, H19 is great! currently I'm playing with Karma ROP, it works really fast and XPU alpha is ultimate.
I am trying to use instance node to instance some geos, I can see the instances are working in the sceneview, but not visible in the karma viewport, does anyone face the same issue? or am I doing something wrong
I am trying to use instance node to instance some geos, I can see the instances are working in the sceneview, but not visible in the karma viewport, does anyone face the same issue? or am I doing something wrong
Houdini Learning Materials » Scatter points density based on color
- Mohanpugaz
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Houdini Learning Materials » Scatter points density based on color
- Mohanpugaz
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Isaac Katz
Can you explain how this would be done? I only see Generate by Density option on the Scatter node. Thanks
simple example for scattering based on color this doesnt have solution to the original post, this is just for Isaac's question
Edited by Mohanpugaz - 2021年9月3日 05:53:12
SideFX Labs Tech Art Challenge 2021 » WELCOME!
- Mohanpugaz
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Hi Guys,
Have a quick question.
Can I submit a set of tools used to solve a problem? for example something like the labs tree generation tools which is combination of mulitple sops used together to create tree. Or it should be a single HDA?
Thanks, Very much excited about this contest.
Have a quick question.
Can I submit a set of tools used to solve a problem? for example something like the labs tree generation tools which is combination of mulitple sops used together to create tree. Or it should be a single HDA?
Thanks, Very much excited about this contest.
Technical Discussion » Changing default "save to library" path - HDA
- Mohanpugaz
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Hi guys,
Any one have ideas to change this default "save to library" path to a different location.
I have my custom tools in a different path so I want the default path to point that path.

Thanks in advance
Any one have ideas to change this default "save to library" path to a different location.
I have my custom tools in a different path so I want the default path to point that path.
Thanks in advance
Houdini for Realtime » I barely understand anything.
- Mohanpugaz
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If you use Nuke then you will easily overcome this soon. Just get used to SOPs and understand the concept of attributes. This will give u solid base then you can start learning particles then move on to other dynamics.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Crashing while working with chops
- Mohanpugaz
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Hi guys,
I am using houdini indie 18.5.532
I wanted to create a hda to generate simple animation curves without manual keyframing using the chops.
I have somewhat got what i want there are few tweaks i want to do but unfourtuantely houdini is crashing again and again when im trying to work with the VOP network inside CHOPs I have attached my HDA if someone want to try it out. It also crashes when i try to change the framerate. im trying to make it work regardless of the FPS of the scene.
I am using houdini indie 18.5.532
I wanted to create a hda to generate simple animation curves without manual keyframing using the chops.
I have somewhat got what i want there are few tweaks i want to do but unfourtuantely houdini is crashing again and again when im trying to work with the VOP network inside CHOPs I have attached my HDA if someone want to try it out. It also crashes when i try to change the framerate. im trying to make it work regardless of the FPS of the scene.
Technical Discussion » Allow editing of contents not available in rightclick window
- Mohanpugaz
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Hi Guys,
Im facing this weird problem, There is no allow editing of contents option on the right click menu,anyone knows what could be the reason for this, I have tried with multiple hdas none of them has that available.
I have googled this seems like no one faced this before. this is first time im seeing this.
Im facing this weird problem, There is no allow editing of contents option on the right click menu,anyone knows what could be the reason for this, I have tried with multiple hdas none of them has that available.
I have googled this seems like no one faced this before. this is first time im seeing this.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Suggestions needed to build pc for Houdini
- Mohanpugaz
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Technical Discussion » houdini 18 keeps crashing
- Mohanpugaz
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I found that turning of the NahimicServic fixed my crash issues .
Wow how did you found this?
Thanks a lot, I got a new pc yesterday and i got the same crashes as described here and was really worried. Finally i found ur solution here, thanks again
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Suggestions needed to build pc for Houdini
- Mohanpugaz
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