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Houdini Lounge » Anyone have the Breaking_Ice.pdf tutorial?
- rmagee
- 1185 posts
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The link has been fixed and the breaking_ice.pdf file is downloadable. Thanks for pointing this out.
Technical Discussion » Where are patches for Apprentice found?
- rmagee
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Watch for a new version of Houdini Apprentice in the next week or two. It will deal with the COPs problems. We will be posting some compositing tutorial videos at around the same time. The announcement should be on the community home page late this week.
Houdini Lounge » $HFS/DEMO/ Where are these hip files that are referred to?
- rmagee
- 1185 posts
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The demo files were not included with 5.5 because many of them are out of date and require reworking to make them 5.5 compatible. Several of them became sample files on the Learn CD and the goal is for others to follow as either tutorials or samples on the community web page.
Because this directory is very big (over 350 Mb) and it has not been fully reviewed for compatability with Version 5.5, the files will not be available as a single download from the site. Instead they will move to the community as they are updated and/or into the Version 6.0 docs as written examples.
If there are any particular sample files that interest you, let me know and I will see if we can get those files uploaded more quickly.
Robert Magee
Customer Experience Specialist
Side Effects Software Inc.
Because this directory is very big (over 350 Mb) and it has not been fully reviewed for compatability with Version 5.5, the files will not be available as a single download from the site. Instead they will move to the community as they are updated and/or into the Version 6.0 docs as written examples.
If there are any particular sample files that interest you, let me know and I will see if we can get those files uploaded more quickly.
Robert Magee
Customer Experience Specialist
Side Effects Software Inc.
Houdini Lounge » FREE - Video Training Magazine(VTM) for Houdini!?
- rmagee
- 1185 posts
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Check the announcements section of the forum for the announcement of the sponsorship of 3D Buzz. Great news that includes Houdini VTMs and even an online course.
Technical Discussion » Houdini Apprentice features question
- rmagee
- 1185 posts
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The focus of Houdini Apprentice is allowing 3D artists the opportunity to work with Houdini's built-in tools and techniques. Connections to the outside world have been disabled. Therefore:
(1) No. RIB output or Renderman rendering from Apprentice.
(2) Yes. There is now an interface for building these shaders that can be found in the Vex builder.
(3) No.
(4) No.
Robert Magee
Customer Experience Specialist
Side Effects Software Inc.
(1) No. RIB output or Renderman rendering from Apprentice.
(2) Yes. There is now an interface for building these shaders that can be found in the Vex builder.
(3) No.
(4) No.
Robert Magee
Customer Experience Specialist
Side Effects Software Inc.
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