Houdini Digital Asset creation problem.

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Hello again, I don't know if my problem is complicated or not but here we go.
When I select all my nodes and put them inside a subnetwork and then I right click and press “Create Digital Asset” it pop's up a warning that says that I have references outside the subnet and I should convert the references to relative internal reference (no idea how to do that). Anyway I went ahead and pressed accept. So when I imported my Digtal Asset I can only get half of it working. The other have of my tool doesn't work because its missing the Vopnet and Comp1Filter files and some other files in /img/comp/.

So here come my question? how do I make the digital asset to contain every node, including nodes that are outside my subnet like the vop and comp nodes? Its a very important question for me.

Thank you very much in advance.
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Inside op, you are creating Digital asset from, create Shop, Vop or other networks, and use them. And than combine everything as Digital assets. here is the example.

networks.hipnc (49.2 KB)

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thank you very much for the reply everything is solved now but any help would be appreciate!
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