Houdini 14 Wishlist

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For 3d curve, spreadsheet with his parameter p is not very friendly and efficient to edit curve's curvature. It will be nice to be able to edit interactively the curve with his handles.


Not as efficient but it's all possible currently by turning on hulls and use that as the handles. They can be edited almost like handles. To move both handles, i.e. lock the handles, select hulls around a point with the edges selections and rotate them.
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The local space option of Edit sop should be selection type independant : edges or primitives selection should be have the same behavior as points selection.
Edited by - 2014年3月6日 18:44:33

edit_local_space_selection_component_behavior.jpg (372.8 KB)

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For 3d curve, spreadsheet with his parameter p is not very friendly and efficient to edit curve's curvature. It will be nice to be able to edit interactively the curve with his handles.
FYI, it's been an RFE since Houdini 1.0 or thereabouts

Peter Bowmar
Houdini 20.5.262 Win 10 Py 3.11
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Rfe: environmental variable to Remove & Disable any ‘non-native’ controls from the interface. i.e. ‘HOUDINI_FULLY_IN_CONTROL = 1’ would affect ‘Use Alt Key for View Controls’

The rationale is if we wanted other software controls we would be using that software but moreover if enabled one does not get full functionality of Houdini!
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Rfe: environmental variable to Remove & Disable any ‘non-native’ controls from the interface. i.e. ‘HOUDINI_FULLY_IN_CONTROL = 1’ would affect ‘Use Alt Key for View Controls’

The rationale is if we wanted other software controls we would be using that software Wink but moreover if enabled one does not get full functionality of Houdini!

As long as by default that is off ‘Use Alt Key for View Controls’ has actually helped a lot of our least technical people who use other software migrate over, making the transition at our studio a LOT easier (in the case of houdini, you just lose the ability to roll your camera). The issue here is that the other software, regardless of hotkeys, may have a completely different architecture

another alternative which Softimage has and its kinda of nice is that you can save multiple key configurations and switch in between them on the fly, with the default app configurations being a choice (kinda of how houdini works with desktops)
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Would be nice if there was a Toggle, or made default to have the middle Mouse click in the network pane ignore Network Boxes (Moving or resizing them, doing nothing on network pane names). Was mentioned in the H13 wish list as well by another user.
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Would be nice if there was a Toggle, or made default to have the middle Mouse click in the network pane ignore Network Boxes (Moving or resizing them, doing nothing on network pane names). Was mentioned in the H13 wish list as well by another user.

It should work like that without a toggle as panning should not move, resize network boxes nor snippet vop contents displayed inside the network editor should prevent panning.

I think they are just overlooked.
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

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As long as by default that is off ‘Use Alt Key for View Controls’ has actually helped a lot of our least technical people who use other software migrate over, making the transition at our studio a LOT easier (in the case of houdini, you just lose the ability to roll your camera).

Agree though there are seemingly non-functioning viewport actions now, might be GL2 on OsX or user error but so far I've bumped into; Box Zoom not always working and Alt key options non-functioning in ExtrudeSop. So I wonder what else has been affected in the quest for bland homogenisation
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1 I hope houdini can support Chinese inputs.
2 I hope it can lock 2 axises when snapping something (modling)
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RFE: Ability to set the number of visible lines for code editors in Wrangle SOPs

10 lines is nothing for serious coding. You can use the extended editor but there are 2 things:

1. When you use Houdini for an hour or so, Houdini doesn't let you open more than 1 extended editor, and if you try to do so, the most recent one will scramble the old one using the same window. Don't know a way to repro it other than recommending to use Houdini for an hour or so while using extended editors.

2. Sometimes you just want to write code there and/or you want to keep your current extended editor open. See #1
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

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Idea : to reduce hard coded colors,…

1.To be able to customize the colors of the selections(points, edges, primitives,UV,…), to customize the colors of the differents windows,…

2.To be able to customize front size, “display point number” offset,….
Edited by - 2014年3月6日 18:45:46

User-defined look.jpg (319.7 KB)

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Idea : to continue to wrap underlying C++ functions in python.

1.To be able to control Gizmo's position and orientation(read and write) with option to change pivot permanently or not by python script.

2.To be able to control by python script which interface icon is selected and which is his options. To be able to select an icon.

3.To trace all user action/trigger in python.
Edited by - 2014年3月6日 18:47:25

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Proper Edge support! getting edge lengths is often very useful, but quite a pain to do currently.

I wanted to build a ragdoll, but right away encountered a few problems.

The hinge constraint needs angle limits, and a breakable threshold.
Damping and spring can be added with an angular spring constraint, but adding it straight onto the hinge one would be convenient.

Add a checkbox in the rbd solver to ignore collision between pieces that are intersecting before the sim starts. For instance, if the upper and lower arm of my ragdoll intersect at the elbow (intentionally) and I want to control that joint with constraints, I don't need them to collide with each other or that the intersection causes problems.

Or maybe add a ragdoll shelf tool.

How about a node in VOPSOPs where you can switch between add/subtract/divide/multiply? If you are just experimenting it's really a pain to throw out a new node and reconnect all the wires when you wanna try something out.
I suppose that's not needed if you actually know what you are doing…but for me it'd be nice
Any cons with it, rather then having 4 separate nodes?

An alternative would be a node where you just plug your inputs into A, B, C, D etc, then are allowed to type any sort of formula like (A+C)*B in free text.

Simulations affecting each other! If I pin a wire to an rbd, I expect the rbd to affect the wire, and the wire to affect the rbd.
Apparently you can do workarounds like this http://ihoudini.blogspot.se/2011/10/wire-to-rbd-feedback-in-dops.html [ihoudini.blogspot.se]
but come on…brute force that s**t.

And if this comment is correct:
“Back in houdini 8 (and 9 maybe), this worked out of the box with just a rbd constraint >.< With the new solvers, stuff like rbd/cloth mutual interaction doesn't work. ”
it's just sad.
Edited by - 2014年2月22日 19:15:20
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RFE: arg, argc VEX functions
RFE: tolower/toupper VEX functions
RFE: Voronoi Tessellate SOP

Voronoi Split SOP is useful but it actually splits polygons. It would be very useful if we had the ability to just cut up a model, i.e. tessellate but not split them into separate pieces.

It could be used in centroidal voronoi tessellations (CVT) which are used for many things including surface remeshing.
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
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It would be fantastic if the rail sop would just internally resample point orders on the rails to be equal.
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RFE: Ability to use @syntax to access attributes in parameter fields

A lot of operators don't create variables for the attributes they create, which creates an artificial gap the user has to compensate, either by creating the variable manually or by using the appropriate expression function, i.e. point/prim().

This is much faster to use:
$ATTRIBUTE (after you create it)
point(“../noderef”, $PT, “attribute”, 0)

For multiple components, you would just access them using .x, .y, .z, etc. So:
Another advantage this method would have is, you can use the whole attribute in intermediate calculations without accessing each component separately.

Let's assume distance expression supports it. Then you can do:
distance(@p0, @p1)
instead of:
distance(point(“../noderef”, $PT, “p0”, 0), point(“../noderef”, $PT, “p0”, 1), point(“../noderef”, $PT, “p0”, 2), point(“../noderef”, $PT, “p1”, 0), point(“../noderef”, $PT, “p1”, 1), point(“../noderef”, $PT, “p1”, 2))
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [www.pragmatic-vfx.com]

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DOP:adaptive distribution Sims. It can automatic distribute the slices
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CARVE sop: Allow local prim attributes for curves please
Director at polycat studio
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Firstly, let me start by apologizing if this was already posted, as I don't have time to read around (it's a temporary thing, I promise) being too busy reading Softimage post-mortem threads.

I do a lot of modeling among others and one thing that really bothers me in Houdini is the move tool, more precisely how you need to ctrl-click on an axis in order to constrain movement in a plane.
When modeling complicated geometry, this gets very tiresome really fast to the point of wanting to stop and doing it in other package.
In order to not disturb current users' workflow, an option to make visible all three planes (like it's in many other packages) should be available.

Another point is the ability to orbit around a selection, like you're currently able to do when frame-ing but which gets reset as soon as you pan around. I can further describe this feature if it's not clear.

Thank you for listening. I'll be back.
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Another point is the ability to orbit around a selection, like you're currently able to do when frame-ing but which gets reset as soon as you pan around. I can further describe this feature if it's not clear.

Spacebar-Z or Spacebar-Shift-Z will cast a ray from the cursor to the geometry and use that hit point as your tumble centroid.

Most modern modellers do this when you tumble as default behaviour.

If you wish this to be the default behaviour, please submit in a feature request RFE (Request For Enhancement).
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