Proper Edge support! getting edge lengths is often very useful, but quite a pain to do currently.
I wanted to build a ragdoll, but right away encountered a few problems.
The hinge constraint needs angle limits, and a breakable threshold.
Damping and spring can be added with an angular spring constraint, but adding it straight onto the hinge one would be convenient.
Add a checkbox in the rbd solver to ignore collision between pieces that are intersecting before the sim starts. For instance, if the upper and lower arm of my ragdoll intersect at the elbow (intentionally) and I want to control that joint with constraints, I don't need them to collide with each other or that the intersection causes problems.
Or maybe add a ragdoll shelf tool.
How about a node in VOPSOPs where you can switch between add/subtract/divide/multiply? If you are just experimenting it's really a pain to throw out a new node and reconnect all the wires when you wanna try something out.
I suppose that's not needed if you actually know what you are doing…but for me it'd be nice

Any cons with it, rather then having 4 separate nodes?
An alternative would be a node where you just plug your inputs into A, B, C, D etc, then are allowed to type any sort of formula like (A+C)*B in free text.
Simulations affecting each other! If I pin a wire to an rbd, I expect the rbd to affect the wire, and the wire to affect the rbd.
Apparently you can do workarounds like this []
but come on…brute force that s**t.
And if this comment is correct:
“Back in houdini 8 (and 9 maybe), this worked out of the box with just a rbd constraint >.< With the new solvers, stuff like rbd/cloth mutual interaction doesn't work. ”
it's just sad.