How can make a poligonal mesh sphere without poles, quadrilatherals connectors, as a geometric metaball.
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- navarro
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- JColdrick
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You've got about three terms there that are to do with completely different things. A mesh is defined by rows and colums - not sure how you can define a sphere with that without having poles. I'm guessing “quadrilatherals” is just a mis-spelling of “quadrilaterals” - a four sided poly with four angles(again, rows and columns - sharing vertices or not), and metaballs which are mathematical models of “forces” that can be used to define a shape.
If you want a sphere without poles, you can use a primitive sphere, or a “poly” sphere - which is similar to a geodesic dome. You could also stomp down a single metaball and convert it to a poly sphere. Since you give no description of what you're trying to do, I'm not sure if this will help. You can just fiddle with the type popup for the Sphere SOP and run through different types of spheres. Metaballs are completely different.
If you want a sphere without poles, you can use a primitive sphere, or a “poly” sphere - which is similar to a geodesic dome. You could also stomp down a single metaball and convert it to a poly sphere. Since you give no description of what you're trying to do, I'm not sure if this will help. You can just fiddle with the type popup for the Sphere SOP and run through different types of spheres. Metaballs are completely different.
John Coldrick
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