Renderman 20.3 with Houdini 15 - Need some more help

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Non commercial Renderman 20.3 update if we have Renderman 20.0 is not a straight forward expected workflow where we look for an update button some where, and hitting it creates the magical update. Sorry I had to download their installer and “Repair” my existing installation. Hurray! Then the magic happened.

Renderman works fine in Maya straight out of the box with shader presets and Renderman menus etc. In Houdini …. he …. he its TDs tool right as usual we need to pull our hairs.

Above all, to my surprise Pixar and lot of folks have rolled out tutorials to the already easy Maya.
For Houdini - Pixar's help is their consoling statement as “Renderman comes built in Houdini 15 and works Straight out of the box” ?!?!

Some one in the web said there is a Houdini15 masterclass on Shading talks about Renderman….. It was a very useful demo but Sorry there is 0-info on Renderman.

Yes Tomas, I added your 3 lines in the Houdini.env. That is the only progress and nothing else its still dead

There is a path to the integrator shown in Pixar's screen capture. I mimicked that in to the integrator field. Again no use.

Is there any “Renderman-Houdini” wizards could donate your few tips(workflow would be awesome) to lilliputians like us to render that amazing teapot in our computers.

THanks in advance.

PS Note:
I had the experience of installing Maxwell Renderer. You guys should check it out in terms of ease of use. 1-2-3-Bam-You get the beautiful render.
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1. What version of Houdini you have, FX or Indie?
2. I do not see many people ask here for installing Maxwell, you should post this rant on Pixar forum.
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OK I am sticking to Mantra only.
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Make sure RenderMan is turned on in the Edit > Preferences > Rendering.

- in viewport: Tab > Platonic Solids, then choose Utah Teapot in toolbar menu
- in viewport: Tab > Pxr Std Area Light
- in the shelf: ctrl+click Camera tool
- in network: go to /shop, put down RIS Shader Network, and dive in
- in network: Tab > Disney
- navigate to teapot obj, and set the Material parameter to ‘pxrdisney1’ shader
- in network: go to /out, and Tab > RenderMan RIS
- press Render to Disk on that ROP
- (change ‘Display Device’ in Display tab on that ROP to control the format)

Attaching the .hip file.

RenderMan also has some docs: [] [] []

Here are some Houdini help pages: [] []

ris_teapot.hip (192.0 KB)

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