Tutorials about matrices in vop sop

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Is there a way to learn about matrices in vop sop, rotation in vop sop, quaternion, transform in vop sop, etc… I just don't get it, and EVERYTIME I see a tutorial with these kind of things, it's not explained, like if it was so simple… I am not a beast in maths, so it's not always easy for me with this kind of stuff.


https://vimeo.com/obreadytom [vimeo.com]
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I'll add it to my list of tutorials to make

it is actually not as bad as it sounds once you get used to it. For rotations, I generally use a lot the Align VOP in between two vectors to generate my quaternians (set it to axis instead of matrix), then after that there are a lot of nice quaternian vops for doing those kinds of operations (qrotate, slerp, etc). if you are using quaternians, you also have the advantage that your rotations will never gimble. There is also a quaternion subfolder in the tab menu for convenience

if you are passing a matrix, there are a lot of VOPs which will go back and forth in between full TRS as parameter and as matrix representation. Check out extractxform, makexform, translate, rotate, scale, etc. There is also an xform VOP which you can use to also transform points given TRS values which you may have extracted from a matrix

hope this helps!
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But I don't even know how to use all these nodes…
I have some idea on how it works, but I would not be able to do it myself for now.

“it is actually not as bad as it sounds once you get used to it. For rotations, I generally use a lot the Align VOP in between two vectors to generate my quaternians (set it to axis instead of matrix), then after that there are a lot of nice quaternian vops for doing those kinds of operations (qrotate, slerp, etc). if you are using quaternians, you also have the advantage that your rotations will never gimble. There is also a quaternion subfolder in the tab menu for convenience ”

Do you have an example for this kind of situation ?

I'm waiting for your tutorial now :evil:

(You have to consider the fact that I'm coming from a literary training…)

Thanks !
https://vimeo.com/obreadytom [vimeo.com]
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here you go! hope this scene helps understand the quaternion VOPs better

quatExamples.hiplc (96.1 KB)

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Thanks !
https://vimeo.com/obreadytom [vimeo.com]
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