Houdini 16

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I use Linux. I Can't create a node in the network view : (invalid literal for float () : error in mouse event).
It works with the shelf…

But I'm happy to see H16

My best guess would be something about the version of Python you are running with Houdini. Is that the full text of the error you get? If not, could you please post the full error message/stack trace?
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I use Linux. I Can't create a node in the network view : (invalid literal for float () : error in mouse event).
It works with the shelf…

But I'm happy to see H16

My best guess would be something about the version of Python you are running with Houdini. Is that the full text of the error you get? If not, could you please post the full error message/stack trace?

Another thought just occurred to me… Are you using a custom color scheme? There are a lot of configurable values for controlling the appearance of the network editor. These values are generally in the $HFS/houdini/config/NodeGraphCommon.inc file, which is included by NodeGraph.inc, which are included by the standard UI.hcs color scheme files. So if you are running a color scheme that doesn't #include one of the NodeGraph*.inc resource files, this could lead to the error you're seeing.
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Hallo, I cannot seem to find the auto rig tools.

you can add a new pane and set that to type “Autorig”, see screenshot attached.


Thanks Marc
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I'm sitting here with my SpacePilot and it's not working with H16 Apprentice? Is it just a matter of having Indie or higher?

You don't mention which platform you're running? For Windows, you'll need 3DxWare 10+. Also check out
http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/basics/3dmouse [sidefx.com] for requirements and setup. It also mentions where in the Houdini install to find a default profile for Houdini. We're still in the process of having a new Houdini profile to come out with the 3DxWare driver off the bat.
Edited by edward - 2017年2月22日 00:50:00
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After build a simple project with pig head and boolean node when selecting View:Mantra, render will be black and Houdini's console says:
Invalid detail specified
mantra: Can't find geometry /obj/file1/normal1
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I am having a similar problem as lesath above.

Invalid literal for float():0,000000

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “Mouse Event Handler”, line 18, in <module>
File “/opt/hfs16.0.504.20/houdini/python2.7libs/nodegraphselectpos.py”, line 24, in handleEvent
File “/opt/hfs16.0.504.20/houdini/python2.7libs/nodegraphselectpos.py”, line 146, in handleEventCoroutine
snapresult = snap.snap(editor, None, rect, alignrects)
File “/opt/hfs16.0.504.20/houdini/python2.7libs/nodegraphsnap.py”, line 123, in snap
snapNodes(editor, item, rect, snaprects, currentsnaps, result)
File “/opt/hfs16.0.504.20/houdini/python2.7libs/nodegraphsnap.py”, line 145, in snapNodes
radius = utils.getSnapRadius(editor)
File “/opt/hfs16.0.504.20/houdini/python2.7libs/nodegraphutils.py”, line 261, in getSnapRadius
return prefs.snapRadius(editor)
File “/opt/hfs16.0.504.20/houdini/python2.7libs/nodegraphprefs.py”, line 248, in snapRadius
return float(editor.getPref(theSnapRadiusPref))
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 0,000000

Off the shelf things work, in the net view this always happens.

I do have Ubuntu 16 installed. Python is 2.7 gcc is 5.4.
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My best guess would be something about the version of Python you are running with Houdini. Is that the full text of the error you get? If not, could you please post the full error message/stack trace?

thanks for your answer. I will try to update python but this is the message details :

Capture du 2017-02-22 08-16-54.png (732.5 KB)

https://vimeo.com/user24950611 [vimeo.com]
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I'm sitting here with my SpacePilot and it's not working with H16 Apprentice? Is it just a matter of having Indie or higher? Or is there a configuration profile I need to download etc?

make sure you have downloaded the Qt5 version (a version that does *NOT* containt Qt4 in its filename), because 3dConneXion support is only available in the Qt5 version.

I hope this helps!

Out of here. Being called a dick after having supported Houdini users for years is over my paygrade.
I will work for money, but NOT for "you have to provide people with free products" Indie-artists.
Good bye.
https://www.marc-albrecht.de [www.marc-albrecht.de]
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wacom + mouse mode = working now

Maybe a small thing for some, but very happy with this one!

Apprentice Attribute / Houdini 17.0.381 / GTX 970 - driver 411.63
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make sure you have downloaded the Qt5 version (a version that does *NOT* containt Qt4 in its filename), because 3dConneXion support is only available in the Qt5 version.

I hope this helps!


I can't get the qt5 version to work. I always get the errors I posted above and a blocking error window that prevents me from doing anything. This is on windows 8.1 x64.
Is there any magic pixie dust I have to spread around first?
The qt4 version that was the official download yesterday works.
I'd be happy for any hints…


http://screendream.de [screendream.de]
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In Houdini 16 hou.SopNode.selection and hou.Geometry.selection methods always return None :O
Why this happens and how to get selection in my scripts?
https://gumroad.com/alexeyvanzhula [gumroad.com]
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I use Linux. I Can't create a node in the network view : (invalid literal for float () : error in mouse event).
It works with the shelf…

But I'm happy to see H16

The same error for me. I installed Ubuntu 16.04 and Houdini. Nothing more. Did you find the solution?

Edited by Physalis - 2017年2月22日 05:25:15

Screenshot from 2017-02-22 11-24-51.png (73.5 KB)

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Moin, Thomas,

my comment was targeted at WillBell - because I saw your previous post about issues with the older Windows version. Personally I only tested Windows 8.1 for a few weeks and went back to 7 faster than my dogs catch mice. Win 10 works fine here, though.

I can't get the qt5 version to work. I always get the errors I posted above and a blocking error window that prevents me from doing anything. This is on windows 8.1 x64.

The most likely issue to me seems to be a Python hickup. Do you have some global Python ENV VARs that might interfer with Houdini's Python? H is using a packaged 2.7, but it may well be possible that it tries to use your installed 3.x or whatever - and fails.
One thing you could try is set up a clean user (assuming you are setting environments for users, not globally for administrators) and check if H16/Qt5 works there. A virtual machine with a clean Windows install also comes in handy to have a quick go at comparing setups.

Else the best thing you can do is send your report to support@sidefx.com - they may be slightly drowning in requests right now, so cut them some slack

Out of here. Being called a dick after having supported Houdini users for years is over my paygrade.
I will work for money, but NOT for "you have to provide people with free products" Indie-artists.
Good bye.
https://www.marc-albrecht.de [www.marc-albrecht.de]
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23 posts
Joined: 2月 2014
I use Linux. I Can't create a node in the network view : (invalid literal for float () : error in mouse event).
It works with the shelf…

But I'm happy to see H16

The same error for me. I installed Ubuntu 16.04 and Houdini. Nothing more. Did you find the solution?


Same here, Centos 7.3 KDE. Error after Clicking
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The same error for me. I installed Ubuntu 16.04 and Houdini. Nothing more. Did you find the solution?


No I didn't have the time to find a way to make it works. unfortunately I don't have houdini + linux here, at work …

But I use Ubuntu 16.04 like you.
https://vimeo.com/user24950611 [vimeo.com]
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The most likely issue to me seems to be a Python hickup. Do you have some global Python ENV VARs that might interfer with Houdini's Python? H is using a packaged 2.7, but it may well be possible that it tries to use your installed 3.x or whatever - and fails.
One thing you could try is set up a clean user (assuming you are setting environments for users, not globally for administrators) and check if H16/Qt5 works there. A virtual machine with a clean Windows install also comes in handy to have a quick go at comparing setups.

Else the best thing you can do is send your report to support@sidefx.com - they may be slightly drowning in requests right now, so cut them some slack

Hm - I went through my user and system paths and didn't find any python or Qt related entries, not sure where else to look. I don't have python installed separately.
I sent a bugreport to support, just thought somebody may have seen the same and found a solution.
I'll re-install the qt 4 version for the time being I guess…


http://screendream.de [screendream.de]
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In Houdini 16 hou.SopNode.selection and hou.Geometry.selection methods always return None :O
Why this happens and how to get selection in my scripts?

Guys, please help.It is a big problem for me(
https://gumroad.com/alexeyvanzhula [gumroad.com]
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Noap, no joy, I just went and downloaded the latest drivers, again I have a SpacePilot Pro.

I meant in the settings of the app.

Hi, I appreciate you taking the time to help, first I'm running on Windows, and again, I have a SpacePilot, not Mouse etc.

The nail in the coffin for me, is 1) I don't have those same options in my 3DConn panel as you do (again windows here), and 2) “Houdini” is totally missing as being supported on their website.

So unless there's a profile I'm supposed to download or something to install, the windows drivers don't support Houdini at this time.

Now if there's someone here on Windows with a SpacePilot Pro and they have it working, or if SideFX could chime in and confirm, then that would help eliminate my confusion.

Again, thanks for your help!

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We really need to start some separate threads here… The black render I think was solved elsewhere. I think the solution was to make sure your hip file path doesn't have any spaces in it.

For those with the python error in the network editor, I'm looking at those images on my phone… Is that a comma as the second character in that number? If so I'm sure that's the issue. There must be some mismatch between the internationalization mechanisms we are using when writing versus reading those values from the prefs… Before this gets fixed in a daily build you may be able to edit the value by hand in your home Houdini 16 folder, networkeditor.pref, to contain periods in numbers instead of commas.
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Moin, Will,

Hi, I appreciate you taking the time to help, first I'm running on Windows, and again, I have a SpacePilot, not Mouse etc.

SpacePilot definitely is supported. Since Houdini supports the original protocol of the driver, there is nothing that the 3dConneXion driver would need to support in return (like specific Houdini commands).

2) “Houdini” is totally missing as being supported on their website.

They obviously haven't updated their website accordingly - after all, H16 is only out a couple of hours by now. They are, however, very much aware of H16 supporting their products - I know this first hand (from the guy at 3dConneXion responsible for making it work).

Now if there's someone here on Windows with a SpacePilot Pro and they have it working, or if SideFX could chime in and confirm, then that would help eliminate my confusion.

I have various 3dConneXion devices, all work perfectly in H16. Attached is a screengrab of my 2006 SpacePilot moving the Special-User-Pig-Head around.


spacepilotproof.gif (2.4 MB)

Out of here. Being called a dick after having supported Houdini users for years is over my paygrade.
I will work for money, but NOT for "you have to provide people with free products" Indie-artists.
Good bye.
https://www.marc-albrecht.de [www.marc-albrecht.de]
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