I have a jpeg image of a cad plan. I have applied it to the grid but how do I match it UV to the bitmap proportion? Something like in 3Ds Max where you just click match to bitmap with Box Projection Unwrapping.
Tried to find an answer but could not find anywhere? seems like people dont do much arch vis in Houdini
Getting to learn the Houdini but still need some basic first.
Drop down a UVTexture right after the grid. This will apply UV coordinates to it. If you need further UV tweaks drop down a UV Transform node and you can scale the coordinates, for instance to increase or reduce tiling.
Also, because you are a noob, I will mention the ever useful UV Quickshade. This will make a UV grid appear in the viewport so you can see how your UVs are applied across geometry. Just remember to de-activate it when it comes render time or you will still see that checkerboard pattern in your render.
Edited by Enivob - 2017年3月13日 12:12:54
Using Houdini Indie 20.0 Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core. nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
Other than that you can just save the image_backdrop node in my example file as an asset (or drag and drop it on the shelf tools) and use it whenever needed.
I need to breathe new life into this thread, so has there something like the uvw map modifier in Max been added to Houdini in the meantime? It would exactly benefit this scenario, where non-square plans need to be matched to geometry, or vice versa. And especially needed since sometimes I had to use 27k maps in one direction, which I don't want to make square for obvious reasons.