- The “dbgeng1003/1002.dll issues”, this is a big one since it ranges from “light crashes” meaning the editor and HE continues to run, to that it crashes Unreal, corrupts maps and forces deletion of the ‘Saved’ and ‘Intermediate’ folders to be able to start the Unreal Project again.
- HDAs placed in levels will sometimes stop updating while others placed HDA's of the same type continues to work. Only solution to this so far is to delete the HDA and place a new one.
HDAs with “file” parameters exposed will open a “Save” dialouge instead of a “Open” dialouge when pressed. It will still read the selected file, as long as it is not write protected, however working in a production environment using Perforce you will run into this all the time. And we end up with files checked out by multiple people just to be able to open them.Confirmed fixed in 16.5.605- Every now and then the input parameters exposed in Unreal will stop taking keyboard inputs, clicking other native unreal parameters and typing in those work, just to confirm it is not a general issue. Alt+tabbing back and forward between other apps sometimes will solve this, or a restart of Unreal.
- Instanced blueprints child actors will get what looks like double transform, but for some strange reason 1 of 20 times it seems to work as it should. So far no real solution for this.
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- MagnusL3D
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I was asked to post this here, for visibility. And to see if others are expericing similar issues. All these have been bug reported with videos/images and other files.
Edited by MagnusL3D - 2018年10月3日 04:51:46
- kenxu
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The “dbgeng1003/1002.dll issues”, this is a big one since it ranges from “light crashes” meaning the editor and HE continues to run, to that it crashes Unreal, corrupts maps and forces deletion of the ‘Saved’ and ‘Intermediate’ folders to be able to start the Unreal Project again.
This is the most serious one, but it's also extremely difficult to track down. We can't even reproduce the problem here. There are a large number of moving parts, it's not clear where the bug is
Houdini Proper
UE4 plugin code
User specific installation issues - dbgeng.dll is a debugger engine and extension dll - installing a bad / incompatible version could also cause this.
A suggestion would be to install a different version of dbgeng.dll to see if it makes a difference. If others are also seeing this problem, please speak up so we'd understand the range of impact of this issue.
HDAs placed in levels will sometimes stop updating while others placed HDA's of the same type continues to work. Only solution to this so far is to delete the HDA and place a new one.
This is a fairly recent issue, we will investigate.
HDAs with “file” parameters exposed will open a “Save” dialouge instead of a “Open” dialouge when pressed. It will still read the selected file, as long as it is not write protected, however working in a production environment using Perforce you will run into this all the time. And we end up with files checked out by multiple people just to be able to open them.
This is now fixed.
Every now and then the input parameters exposed in Unreal will stop taking keyboard inputs, clicking other native unreal parameters and typing in those work, just to confirm it is not a general issue. Alt+tabbing back and forward between other apps sometimes will solve this, or a restart of Unreal.
It's a “focus lost” issue and you can continue working just by clicking on the UI element again. We have thus far not prioritized this issue, but other in the community also please speak up if you find this to be particularly difficult to work with. If so we will re-assess the priority on it.
Instanced blueprints child actors will get what looks like double transform, but for some strange reason 1 of 20 times it seems to work as it should. So far no real solution for this.
Will investigate further.
- Ken Xu
- MagnusL3D
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dbgeng.dll admitidetly I am only 99% sure that is HE which is stated in the bugg. And as communicated earlier it has been repro'd at SideFX, it may not be easy and predictable to be repro'd but it has.
Please provide instructions on what to install as an alterantive. I dont know what program installed the dbgeng.dll to begin with. this is a new, pretty clean computer besides. Unreal / Houdini / Perforce.
Save / Open - dialogue has been re-opened since I can not get it to work in 598 which was said to contain the fix. New files have been suplied to that bug.
The “focus lost” bugg has a video attached to it that clearly shows that by just clicking on the I element again does not work. I have communicated this before, on similar statements. Restarting Unreal is the only gurantee to solve it sofar. randomly clicking and alt+tabbing sometimes work to.
Please provide instructions on what to install as an alterantive. I dont know what program installed the dbgeng.dll to begin with. this is a new, pretty clean computer besides. Unreal / Houdini / Perforce.
Save / Open - dialogue has been re-opened since I can not get it to work in 598 which was said to contain the fix. New files have been suplied to that bug.
The “focus lost” bugg has a video attached to it that clearly shows that by just clicking on the I element again does not work. I have communicated this before, on similar statements. Restarting Unreal is the only gurantee to solve it sofar. randomly clicking and alt+tabbing sometimes work to.
- MagnusL3D
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HDAs placed in levels will sometimes stop updating while others placed HDA's of the same type continues to work. Only solution to this so far is to delete the HDA and place a new one.
This is a fairly recent issue, we will investigate.
Still noticing this in the latest version of UE / Houdini
Stephen Tucker
- MagnusL3D
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Today a HDA crashed the UE Editor, the error message popping up was a blank window with no information.
I restarted the UE Editor and it wanted to restore the map and the HDA I was working before crash, the restore failed on the HDA and crashed again.
I restarted the Editor for a 2nd time, and now the map is broken, as soon as you open the map the engine will crash.
Even after cleaning up any cache files etc it happens. So now I have to delete this map and restart.
You could argue that it is a Unreal Problem but since it crashed because of the HDA and then crashed on restor on the HDA again…well.. here we are..
logged as bug #91876, with the .umap attached.
I restarted the UE Editor and it wanted to restore the map and the HDA I was working before crash, the restore failed on the HDA and crashed again.
I restarted the Editor for a 2nd time, and now the map is broken, as soon as you open the map the engine will crash.
Even after cleaning up any cache files etc it happens. So now I have to delete this map and restart.
You could argue that it is a Unreal Problem but since it crashed because of the HDA and then crashed on restor on the HDA again…well.. here we are..
logged as bug #91876, with the .umap attached.
Edited by MagnusL3D - 2018年10月10日 07:05:00
- MagnusL3D
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Damien helped out with this. Turns out it there is a houdini.exe in the HE install folder and if the “houdini custom location” is pointing at that, houdini will start with a splash screen and then not load. The custom location must point at a propper houdini install not just the houdini engine install despite there beeing a houdini.exe in there.
I belive the fix will be to gray out the option to ‘open in houdini’ unless it is pointing at a propper installation. which would make this a bit more visible.
THanks for the help Damien !
Edited by MagnusL3D - 2018年10月10日 11:36:59
- MagnusL3D
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Hi Magnus,
As we already mentioned to you, we are assessing those issues and trying to fix them as fast as we can…
What makes this difficult is that we cant always reproduce those issues here.
Regarding the crashes, I've already committed a few fixes this week that should solve them, but if you still encounter some, please keep sending us bug reports with logs and as many details as possible.
For the issue causing placed HDAs to sometimes stop updating, and requiring to be deleted/recreated, this should be fixed in tomorrow's daily build, and was mostly caused by issues in the “rebuild” asset system.
As we already mentioned to you, we are assessing those issues and trying to fix them as fast as we can…
What makes this difficult is that we cant always reproduce those issues here.
Regarding the crashes, I've already committed a few fixes this week that should solve them, but if you still encounter some, please keep sending us bug reports with logs and as many details as possible.
For the issue causing placed HDAs to sometimes stop updating, and requiring to be deleted/recreated, this should be fixed in tomorrow's daily build, and was mostly caused by issues in the “rebuild” asset system.
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