Rendering an Eye in Mantra

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Joined: 6月 2018
Hello Everyone, I attained Houdini Indie not too long ago. I’m looking to do some renders of a realistic animal sculpt I did using mantra. However one thing I don’t know how to do are realistic eyes. Generally speaking anyway. I know it depends a lot on the subject itself and whether it’s human or animal etc…

I’m not a stranger to offline rendering in general. I used Maya + Vray for a little while so I have some basic rendering knowledge but not much. I never did anything complex though like character renders. However I wanted to get off the Autodesk train and Houdini just looked awesome. Especially for the little guys.

Are there any good resources out there that can get me started on this learning path, like tutorials or articles?
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here is a link to a video and scene file that shows how to setup an eye specific shader: []

its not too in depth but shows how to solve a tricky little issue with the clear lens and shadows…
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