Game Tools | Maps Baker

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When I use the cage input of the mapsbaker the results seems broken.
I made a simple example scene and this is the result I get.
Anyone has similar issues with using the cage input?

MapsbakerBroken.JPG (38.8 KB)
MapsBakerTest.hiplc (501.9 KB)

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I think I found the problem.
When you are using a cage input, the baker reverses the ray direction in the "cage_calculation" vertex wrangle.

In the "intersect" snippet in the copsnetwork it sets the starting point of the ray to the cage mesh and then adds the ray direction.

This way it seems to trace the model from the inside to the outside.

I changed the cage_calculation wrangle to this:

And the intersect code to this:

I still don't know if this is the best solution, but it seems to work now.
Edited by Houseo_of_Secrets - 2022年2月17日 10:32:32

CageCalculationOld.JPG (11.5 KB)
CageCalculationNew.JPG (14.9 KB)
IntersectOld.JPG (54.6 KB)
IntersectNew.JPG (57.6 KB)

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Hello. I need help please.
Press 'Switch to Original Materials' in quickmaterial then set Materials to multiple.
maps_baker is not working.

What is difference?
Thank you.

maps_baker_demoscene_SwitchToOriginal.hip (433.2 KB)

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At request of a user, here is how to use the Maps Baker with PDG
Hello @Ambrosiussen, is there any update for PDG pipeline, because using $ Environment makes the pipeline inconsistent. For example, I cant view the node if it using $ environment.
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Sorry for reviving an old thread, but I don't see the point in opening a new one.

Is it possible to apply anti-aliasing when baking specific channels? I'm trying to render opacity, but Baker returns a completely aliased image. I have to render the texture in much higher resolution and then manually downscale the output, which is all fine, but of course not too convenient.
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