WIP: FBX HD & SD importer, Joints to Bones Converter and Morph-Helper (was: DAZ to Houdini converter)

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Well, I guess that's settled then.

ZERO interest in a “REAL DAZ Bridge to Houdini” without the limitations that the DAZ bridges for other tools currently show.

Interesting, but that's freeing up time for other projects :-)

Out of here. Being called a dick after having supported Houdini users for years is over my paygrade.
I will work for money, but NOT for "you have to provide people with free products" Indie-artists.
Good bye.
https://www.marc-albrecht.de [www.marc-albrecht.de]
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There seemed to be good interest in this thread.

Sorry you feel there is zero interest :'-(
Edited by marks - 2020年9月2日 07:08:13
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Well, that escalated quickly.
I found the YT video (with zero links, took me a while to get here -) like 6 days after malbrecht shut down this project of his?
Just my luck, lol.
And it's because of lack of interest?
I don't know, for me it sounds more like low visibility.
3 feedback from 30 is actually a pretty cool turnout.
Plus here people here looked interested too.
It's a pity, it looked like a great tool.
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Hi, “Snowflake71”,

I am not quite sure that I fully understand what you are saying - it's not exactly my “job” to post to some social media sites or pay for Google Adwords to make Houdini users see a Houdini extension being tested, is it :-)
This forum here is the core Houdini user meeting place - where else would I post about a Houdini project? Every minute I waste on some third party website is a minute lost for the project. ONE forum: Fine. Wasting time posting on the interwebs: Not fine.

To clarify: I have shut down the DAZ bridge (without the limitations that the current DAZ bridge impose, my idea was to actually convert the DUF files) because of ZERO INTEREST (I have made it pretty clear what I consider “interest”, anonymous postings here in the thread are NOT what I count as “interested users”).
I have NOT ended work on the FBX helpers. That project is pretty much alive, but is concentrating on usability in future Houdini versions right now for reasons that will become obvious soon enough.

> 3 feedback from 30 is actually a pretty cool turnout.

Well, you're free to have a different perspective on that, of course :-)

Out of here. Being called a dick after having supported Houdini users for years is over my paygrade.
I will work for money, but NOT for "you have to provide people with free products" Indie-artists.
Good bye.
https://www.marc-albrecht.de [www.marc-albrecht.de]
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Marc there isn't zero interest. It's just that sometimes you have to put it out there beforehand, you know? Daz have been buying up convertors recently and integrating them with the software. Lots of people want to leverage the Daz content library with 3rd party tools. OK, not so many are using Houdini but if they can't get their content into it why would they try it?

All I'm saying is what you're doing is worthwhile.
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I would have been extremely interested in this, I just didn't know about it until a mention in the Daz forums. I hope there's a chance Marc will reconsider.

I hope that Marc will see the new character tools in 18.5 as an extenuating circumstance; there's certainly going to be a wave of new interest as people begin to see the benefit of mating the ease and flexibility of Daz Studio's character creation capabilities and, well, everything Houdini.

Would saying “Pretty Please” make a difference?
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I'm really interested in.
I use daz objects a lot and this is very essential tool for me?
where is it now?
are you working on it?
please, don't drop the case ..
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Hey Marc,

This tool looks really great! If you ever get bring it back I am willing to pay for your tools. This would help my pipeline alot instead of having to use mixamo I can use Houdini as my main animation tool for character work, motion graphis, fx etc...

Hope you can reconsider bringing the tools back to life.

you have my support!
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