MaterialX Essentials (Nodes Pack)

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Thanks for sharing!
Minor corrections I believe are needed on the MtlxImage node signatures in the example .hip. For Roughness and Height maps I believe you should change the Signature to Float from Color.

And if using a Normal map, use Vector instead of Color.

Thank you! I fixed this in the updated example file.

Hey FaitelTech,

The node pack looks extremely useful, but it doesn't seem to work with Houdini 20.5. Any chance you might look at updating the pack for 20.5?

The quick update to run MaterialX Essentials Nodes on Houdini 20.5

Note: To see custom nodes inside Material Builder subnet, add "FaitelTech*" at the beginning of Tab Menu Mask parameter on Karma Material node or MaterialX Builder []
Edited by FaitelTech - 2024年9月25日 01:49:28

Attachments: (174.8 KB)
MaterialX_Essentials_Examples_1.1.hiplc (1.1 MB)
TabMenuMask1.png (1.6 MB)
TabMenuMask2.png (92.1 KB)

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