Drive transformations at object level from inside a node.

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Hello! I'm trying to build a rig for my cameras. I would like the P information to come out of the geo node called "camera morph" and be able to handle a null at object level. Is this possible? The idea is well understood in the attached image. I also attach the scene.
Thanks in advance!

Attachments: (245.2 KB)

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Driving a NULL/Camera etc at object level from SOP level geometry can be done with rivets and a blend.

Camera_Null_Blend.hipnc (204.3 KB)

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Hi EZiniT! Thanks for taking the time to put that scene together. Of course it's another good way to think about the problem, but it doesn't answer the question about how to read attribute data through expressions. I think I have found the solution, it is simpler than I thought.

point("../camera_morph/OUT_Tx", 0, "P", 0)
point("../camera_morph/OUT_Tx", 0, "P", 1)
point("../camera_morph/OUT_Tx", 0, "P", 2)
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