Hey SideFX community,
I checked a previous thread on this topic but unfortunately the solution there (which was later on hotfixed by Houdini staff) did not work for me.
Software setup:
Latest production build of Houdini, as well as RizomUV (trial version).
1. adding the rizomuv_unwrap node
2. opens RizomUV
3. inside RizomUV, it says "error: cannot find .fbx file".
Alternatively, I also tried to save the .fbx file (using another software) under the name that is given inside the rizomuv_unwrap node, but when I run the node, it deletes the .fbx file.
Is it possible that the reason why it's not working is because Houdini Apprentice does not support .fbx export?
Kind Regards,
RizomUV Bridge not working (details in thread)
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