RizomUV Bridge not working (details in thread)

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Joined: 1月 2025
Hey SideFX community,

I checked a previous thread on this topic but unfortunately the solution there (which was later on hotfixed by Houdini staff) did not work for me.
Software setup:
Latest production build of Houdini, as well as RizomUV (trial version).

1. adding the rizomuv_unwrap node
2. opens RizomUV
3. inside RizomUV, it says "error: cannot find .fbx file".

Alternatively, I also tried to save the .fbx file (using another software) under the name that is given inside the rizomuv_unwrap node, but when I run the node, it deletes the .fbx file.

Is it possible that the reason why it's not working is because Houdini Apprentice does not support .fbx export?

Kind Regards,
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