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Houdini Or Maya Or Max For animation ?! July 2, 2010, 10:18 a.m.

Hi all

Which one of the this softwares is the best software for the animation to your Opinion?

My information about this question show :
Maya is the best software for Animate .
Max is the best software for make Architecture and Accurate modeling .
and Houdini is the best software for Vfx .

its true?

Help i have 5 questions. July 2, 2010, 10 a.m.

Hi all
im Beginner .
please answer my questions.
sorry my english language is low.javascript:emoticon('ops:')

1- How can i change my Text ?
2- How can i make effects(fire-snow-smoke…) or How can i used of Volume Fluids ?

3- How can i Used of Renderman and alfred ? both of them for me when i Click “Start render” Button are error!!!

4- How can i Export my Frames to Format of movie?(Avi-WMV…)

5- What is the best of render engine in Houdini and used in animations(like Cloudy with…) ?

thanks a lot ^^