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Tile/roof builder Oct. 20, 2016, 5:10 a.m.

Thanks for the pointers. I also found this which could be useful..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbOgluIVSa8 [youtube.com]

Tile/roof builder Oct. 19, 2016, 1:44 p.m.

I'm trying to build a procedural tile roof builder for geometry tiles.
This is to add geometry tiles to existing models rather than create new roof shapes from scratch.
At the moment I have 3 different tiles that are copy stamped onto a grid using a switch to randomly place them.
I can randomly control transforms using expressions but I'm struggling with offsetting each row of tiles from the row above/below.
I also don't know how to add half tiles for the edge of the roof.

I'm guessing this has been done before for tiles or bricks so I'm hoping someone can help.


Intentions of the Creators of the Apprentice Version Dec. 4, 2003, 8:27 p.m.

Interesting question. I suspect that it's good for SESI if they occupy the ‘Headspace’ of other software users. Steve Jobs has done something similar with the ipod . Now you have all these Win users drooling over Apple products. doesn't matter that it's only an ipod they're still drooling over an Apple product That's very valuable brand real estate.
SESI are doing that with Maya, Max and XSI users. It's an excellent product so it should stick. I came from a Maya background then used Houdini for a couple of years and am now having to go back to Maya which is a bit like having to put your brain back into a cage after being let out to play for a couple years. It really does hurt but it comes down to Houdini seats and in London it's not too good. I'd say 50 seats maximum for the usual uses like FX. Hundreds of Maya and Max jobs. I'm hoping it will get better soon so I can go out and play again