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Multiprocesser support? and Dualcore tips! Sept. 15, 2006, 11:09 p.m.

Hey guys, i have finally got the latest Houdini installed and downloaded without corruption. (woohoo)

But i was disappointed to see no Multithreading in Houdini.
With all of the new machines being 2 to 8 cores, i would of thought Houdini would be multithreaded, and at the very least Mantra should be.

But for those who have a dualcore of more, i noticed you can set the affinity to Houdini to CPU 01 and set Mantra at CPU 00.

This way you can achieve a manual multithreading and use 100% of the CPU's instead of the default 50%. Setting Mantra to 01 isn't as good because it resets the affinity everytime Mantra is called and freed.

Hope it helps somebody out there.
Still would be nice to see Multithreading and 64bit versions soon.

Houdini, Windows and 64bit... Sept. 14, 2006, 3:46 p.m.

I have downloaded Houdini 8.1 - 666 and 8.1-719 for Windows XP….

Why isn't there a 64bit Windows version of Houdini, i notice that Linux has 64bit flavours……?

But my problems are worse than that…..
On XP32, i get the error message (in fact i need to execute the executable from a dos prompt just to get a “Program is too big to fit into memory” error message.

Does anyone know what is causing this message..
Both builds give me the same problem.?

I noticed when i downloaded the files, that one file supported file resuming
(build 666, and 719 mentioned no file download resume support….
So i suspect that both builds are corrupted, due to not supporting resuming.
(is there a mirror for the apprentice version?)

I believe the problem lies in the fact that no file resuming means, my poor little dialup can't download the 80Mb in 5 hours…. (it misses by 4minutes)
And without the ability to download with fileresuming the files are corrupted.

Any mirrors? or plans for a 64bit version for Windows?