rpdacosta .
rpdacosta .
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QuadRemesher Lab Tool in a for each loop July 26, 2021, 3:19 p.m.
Hi, is this still an issue?
Jose, where in the quadremesher node can you insert the metadata iteration number in Houdini?
Jose, where in the quadremesher node can you insert the metadata iteration number in Houdini?
Isn't it time for some Houdini 18.5 action soon? Sept. 28, 2020, 3:29 a.m.
I believe they already gave a hint about KineFX in the previous release 18 talk.
When discussing the automatically (FX) placement of objects in LOPS they said
We will implement similar technologies in other areas of Houdini as well. Character related areas.
When discussing the automatically (FX) placement of objects in LOPS they said
We will implement similar technologies in other areas of Houdini as well. Character related areas.
new RETIME node flickering issue FLIP cache June 12, 2019, 3:31 a.m.
In the FLIP solver node in the “particle motion” tab (in the behaviour panel) , you need to turn on ‘particle ID’. The retime node uses that in order to manage the retiming of FLIP particles. Then it should work without flickering.