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TOTAL DURATION: 4h 22m 57s

Going through the basics of Solaris and USD terminology, quickly jumping into a workflow to allow environment creation in stage. We see how we can make use of MaterialX to run with KarmaXPU but also how to prepare a scene to get exported to other software. (UnrealEngine, Clarisse...)


  • theshizon 1 year, 7 months ago  | 

    Hi Adrien. Awesome course so far thank so much for putting it together. I had a question.
    In the first video in the "Layers and Export" section. You set the layer save path and configue the save path a few times. This give me 3 Crag's. 1 from the sopimport node that is just a "crag" without a material, then the configure layer LOP makes a "crag_lop", then at the bottom in the USD ROP I make a "crag_asset". That gives me 3 crags with different file sizes and 2 have materials and variants and 1 doesn't. Do you need to configure the layers in 3 places or were you just demonstrating the flexibility of being able to set it with different nodes?

  • theshizon 1 year, 6 months ago  | 

    Near the end of the video 2.5 whenyou can't get all the variants of the leaves saved for reference, you jump around real quick and don't explain how you fixed it. I can't save my leaves with component output. I always have only 2 variants when I try to reference them.

  • Fbaobao 10 months ago  | 


  • zhenglu 6 months, 1 week ago  | 

    give hip !

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