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During the Landscape Workflow lessons for Project Pegasus, you will have discovered custom digital assets were used to help build the landscape. In these lessons, you will take a closer look at these digital assets and discover how they were built.

The Pegasus team hope to add additional lessons in the future.



Artist with a node addiction.

More from George Hulm


  • LaurentNovac 3 months, 3 weeks ago  | 

    Amazing technique ! Any recomandation on exporting these polylines to unreal engine ? I see multiple posibilities: curves in an hda, alembic https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/advanced-grooming-tips-and-houdini-to-unreal-engine-tutorial/

    Or convert that to a mesh, using something like wireframe node ?

    any advice on that ?

    • George_Hulm 2 months, 4 weeks ago  | 

      You can use Unreal Landscape splines, but getting the splines in natively as regular spline components isn't currently supported ( I hope this changes).

      I will be doing a workshop at this years EPC on sending splines to unreal!

  • belkinalex17 3 months, 1 week ago  | 

    Hi, No time to write a purpose statement? Don't know what to write? Then this website will definitely help you https://www.lorservice.com/letter-of-recommendation-for-graduate-school-writing-service/ . Here you can simply write about your main goals, what you plan to study at university and they will write you a detailed and correct letter. Thanks to this site, I was able to get into university because the admissions committee liked this goal statement. I hope you get the same help as I did.

  • DevoStevo 3 months, 1 week ago  | 

    Great tutorial George. Good to see colour being spelt correctly for a change...lol.

    • George_Hulm 2 months, 4 weeks ago  | 

      It's a flip of a coin whether I even remember to spell it correctly now after having worked with people using the American spelling so often :'(

  • DevoStevo 3 months, 1 week ago  | 

    You should tell someone who cares buddy. Bit rude advertising your little letter writing service on this forum, but doesn't surprise me these days.
    Good luck at uni, I suspect your going to need it...can't write your own goal letter...hire someone else to do it for you...sign of the times...lol.

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