10 #define __PDG_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES_H__
Only overwrite the attribute if the type matches.
Cast failed due to a missing/undefined attribute.
Loop depth [numeric, string].
Enumeration of types of attribute that can be queried from work items.
Invalid merge operation for the attribute type.
The values are kept in sorted order.
Flatten attributes, saving both dynamic and static as a mix.
Never overwrite the attribute.
Undefined or uninitialized attribute type.
Input result list [string].
The attribute values are concatenated together into an array.
Output result list [string].
The existing attribute is replaced with the deserialized attribute.
The maximum value is kept.
Covenience value, all flags off.
Cast failed due to a type mismatch (string vs. int)
The values are kept in sorted order, and made unique.
A single PDG_ApplicationShim::Geometry instance.
No error was specified, i.e. the ref is valid.
The middle value is kept.
Custom attribute name [numeric, string].
The sum of the values is kept.
Enumeration of attribute cast results.
The attribute is read-only and cannot be modified on this work item.
The most common value is kept.
Enumeration of possible attribute types.
Work item unique id [numeric, string].
An array of UT_StringHolder values.
The unique values for the attribute are kept,.
Enumeration of different ways that attributes can be combined.
Mismatch between stride lengths.
Enumeration of extra attribute flags. Flags can be ORed together.
An array of fpreal values.
Enumeration of the different ways that attributes can be saved.
Cast failed due to an invalid tag (applies to files only)
The attribute should not be copied onto downstream work items.
The requested attribute is static and was not upgraded to dynamic.
The ref is uninitialized and needs to be created at a later point.
The attribute values are averaged.
An array of PDG_File values, e.g. File info structs.
No cast error occured (success)
A single, opaque PyObject.
The requested attribute was not found - the ref is invalid.
Enumerations of errors that can occur when merging attributes.
The attribute's value should be exported to the job environment.
The attribute is not saved when the owner is serialized.
Cast failed due to an index being out of bounds.
The minimum value is kept.
Input result list size [numeric, string].
The attribute contains a operator path.
An array of UT_OptionsHolder values.
The entire attribute map is read only.
An unspecified error occured - the ref is invalid.