This is the complete list of members for RV_ShaderVariableSet, including all inherited members.
attachBufferBlock(RV_Instance *inst, const UT_StringRef &name, RV_ShaderBlock *buffer_block, int index=0) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
attachBufferBlock(RV_Instance *inst, int binding_num, RV_ShaderBlock *buffer_block, int index=0) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
attachBufferView(RV_Instance *inst, const UT_StringRef &name, RV_VKBuffer *buffer, int index=0) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
attachBufferView(RV_Instance *inst, int binding_num, RV_VKBuffer *buffer, int index=0) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
attachTexture(RV_Instance *inst, const UT_StringRef &name, RV_VKImage *image, RV_VKSampler *opt_sampler, int index=0) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
attachTexture(RV_Instance *inst, int binding_num, RV_VKImage *image, RV_VKSampler *opt_sampler, int index=0) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
attachTexture(RV_Instance *inst, const UT_StringRef &name, RV_VKImage *image, int index=0) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
attachTexture(RV_Instance *inst, int binding_num, RV_VKImage *image, int index=0) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
clearBinding(RV_Render *inst, const UT_StringRef &name) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
clearBinding(RV_Render *inst, int binding_num) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
clearExtraBindings() | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
commitBindings(RV_Instance *inst, RV_VKCommandBuffer *cb) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
create(RV_Instance *inst, const RV_VKDescriptorSetInfo *layout, const RV_ShaderVariableSet *opt_base=nullptr, const char *name=nullptr) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | static |
getBinding(uint32_t binding_num) const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getBinding(const UT_StringRef &name) const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getBindings() const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getBufferBlock(const UT_StringRef &name, RV_ShaderBlock *&out_block) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getBufferBlock(const UT_StringRef &name, const RV_ShaderBlock *&) const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getBufferBlock(int binding_num, RV_ShaderBlock *&out_block) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getBufferBlock(int binding_num, const RV_ShaderBlock *&out_block) const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getBufferView(const UT_StringRef &name, RV_VKBuffer *&out_buffer) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getBufferView(const UT_StringRef &name, const RV_VKBuffer *&) const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getBufferView(int binding_num, RV_VKBuffer *&out_buffer) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getBufferView(int binding_num, const RV_VKBuffer *&out_buffer) const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getLayoutID() const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | inline |
getSetInfo() const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | inline |
getSetNumber() const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | inline |
getTexture(const UT_StringRef &name, RV_VKImage *&out_image) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getTexture(const UT_StringRef &name, const RV_VKImage *&) const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getTexture(int binding_num, RV_VKImage *&out_image) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getTexture(int binding_num, const RV_VKImage *&out_image) const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
getVkDescriptorSet() | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
hasBinding(const UT_StringRef &name) const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
hasBinding(uint32_t binding_num) const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | inline |
isCompatibleToBind(const RV_VKDescriptorSetInfo &pipe_layout) const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | inline |
isDirty() const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | inline |
isReady(RV_Instance *inst) const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
print() const | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
RV_Render class | RV_ShaderVariableSet | friend |
RV_ShaderVariableSet(RV_Instance *inst, const RV_VKDescriptorSetInfo *layout, UT_UniquePtr< RV_VKDescriptorLayout > desc_layout, const char *name=nullptr) | RV_ShaderVariableSet | |
~RV_ShaderVariableSet() | RV_ShaderVariableSet |