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Packed Primitives Sample

For documentation on the packed primitives APIs, see Packed Primitives.

Simple example that goes through the 3 different packed primitive instancing modes and prints the resulting part layout for each.

#include <HAPI/HAPI.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#define ENSURE_SUCCESS( result ) \
if ( (result) != HAPI_RESULT_SUCCESS ) \
{ \
std::cout << "Failure at " << __FILE__ << ": " << __LINE__ << std::endl; \
std::cout << getLastError() << std::endl; \
exit( 1 ); \
#define ENSURE_COOK_SUCCESS( result ) \
if ( (result) != HAPI_RESULT_SUCCESS ) \
{ \
std::cout << "Failure at " << __FILE__ << ": " << __LINE__ << std::endl; \
std::cout << getLastCookError() << std::endl; \
exit( 1 ); \
static std::string getLastError();
static std::string getLastCookError();
static std::string getString( HAPI_StringHandle stringHandle );
static void cookAndPrintNode( HAPI_Session &session, HAPI_CookOptions &co,
static void printPartInfo( HAPI_Session &session, HAPI_NodeId nodeId,
HAPI_PartId partId, std::string indent);
main( int argc, char ** argv )
const char * hdaFile = argc == 2 ? argv[ 1 ] : "examples/PackedPrimitive.hda";
HAPI_Session session;
bool bUseInProcess = false;
// Creates an in process session
// Start and connect to an out of process session
HAPI_ThriftServerOptions serverOptions{ 0 };
serverOptions.autoClose = true;
serverOptions.timeoutMs = 3000.0f;
// Start a HARS named-pipe server named "hapi"
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_StartThriftNamedPipeServer(&serverOptions, "hapi", nullptr) );
// and create a new HAPI session to use that server
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_CreateThriftNamedPipeSession(&session, "hapi", &sessionInfo) );
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_Initialize( &session,
nullptr ) );
HAPI_AssetLibraryId assetLibId;
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_LoadAssetLibraryFromFile( &session, hdaFile, true, &assetLibId ) );
int assetCount;
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_GetAvailableAssetCount( &session, assetLibId, &assetCount ) );
if (assetCount > 1)
std::cout << "Should only be loading 1 asset here" << std::endl;
exit ( 1 );
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_GetAvailableAssets( &session, assetLibId, &assetSh, assetCount ) );
std::string assetName = getString( assetSh );
HAPI_NodeId nodeId;
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_CreateNode( &session, -1, assetName.c_str(), "PackedPrimitive", false, &nodeId ) );
cookAndPrintNode( session, cookOptions, nodeId, HAPI_PACKEDPRIM_INSTANCING_MODE_DISABLED );
cookAndPrintNode( session, cookOptions, nodeId, HAPI_PACKEDPRIM_INSTANCING_MODE_HIERARCHY );
cookAndPrintNode( session, cookOptions, nodeId, HAPI_PACKEDPRIM_INSTANCING_MODE_FLAT );
char in;
std::cout << "Press enter in terminal to exit." << std::endl;
std::cin >> in;
HAPI_Cleanup( &session );
return 0;
static void
printPartInfo( HAPI_Session &session, HAPI_NodeId nodeId,
HAPI_PartId partId, std::string indent)
HAPI_PartInfo partInfo;
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_GetPartInfo( &session, nodeId, partId, &partInfo ) );
if ( partInfo.type == HAPI_PARTTYPE_MESH )
std::cout << indent << "Part " << partId << ":" << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " Type = Mesh" << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " Point Count = " << partInfo.pointCount << std::endl;
else if ( partInfo.type == HAPI_PARTTYPE_CURVE )
std::cout << indent << "Part " << partId << ":" << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " Type = Curve" << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " Point Count = " << partInfo.pointCount << std::endl;
else if ( partInfo.type == HAPI_PARTTYPE_INSTANCER )
std::cout << indent << "Part " << partId << ":" << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " Type = Instancer" << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " Point Count = " << partInfo.pointCount << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " Instance Count = " << partInfo.instanceCount << std::endl;
std::cout << indent << " Instanced Part Count = " << partInfo.instancedPartCount << std::endl;
// Get the transforms for each instance.
std::vector< HAPI_Transform > instanceTransforms( partInfo.instanceCount );
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_GetInstancerPartTransforms( &session, nodeId, partId,
HAPI_RSTORDER_DEFAULT, instanceTransforms.data(),
0, partInfo.instanceCount ) );
// Print the instance transforms:
std::cout << indent << " Instance Transforms:" << std::endl;
for ( auto instanceTransform : instanceTransforms )
float * p = &instanceTransform.position[ 0 ];
std::cout << indent << " " << p[ 0 ] << ", " << p[ 1 ] << ", " << p[ 2 ] << std::endl;
// Get the part ids of the parts being instanced.
std::vector< HAPI_PartId > instancedPartIds( partInfo.instancedPartCount );
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_GetInstancedPartIds( &session, nodeId, partId,
instancedPartIds.data(), 0,
partInfo.instancedPartCount ) );
// Print the part infos of all the instanced parts.
std::cout << indent << " Instanced Parts:" << std::endl;
for ( auto instancedPartId : instancedPartIds )
printPartInfo( session, nodeId, instancedPartId, " -> ");
static void
cookAndPrintNode( HAPI_Session &session, HAPI_CookOptions &co,
switch ( mode )
std::cout << "Using: HAPI_PACKEDPRIM_INSTANCING_MODE_DISABLED" << std::endl; break;
std::cout << "Using: HAPI_PACKEDPRIM_INSTANCING_MODE_HIERARCHY" << std::endl; break;
std::cout << "Using: HAPI_PACKEDPRIM_INSTANCING_MODE_FLAT" << std::endl; break;
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_CookNode( &session, nodeId, &co ) );
int cookStatus;
HAPI_Result cookResult;
cookResult = HAPI_GetStatus( &session, HAPI_STATUS_COOK_STATE, &cookStatus );
while (cookStatus > HAPI_STATE_MAX_READY_STATE && cookResult == HAPI_RESULT_SUCCESS);
ENSURE_SUCCESS( cookResult );
HAPI_NodeInfo nodeInfo;
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_GetNodeInfo( &session, nodeId, &nodeInfo ) );
int childCount;
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_ComposeChildNodeList( &session, nodeId,
false, &childCount ) );
HAPI_NodeId * childIds = new HAPI_NodeId[ childCount ];
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_GetComposedChildNodeList( &session, nodeId, childIds, childCount ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i )
HAPI_GeoInfo geoInfo;
ENSURE_SUCCESS( HAPI_GetGeoInfo( &session, childIds[ i ], &geoInfo ) );
std::cout << "Part count for geo node " << i << ": " << geoInfo.partCount << std::endl;
for ( int j = 0; j < geoInfo.partCount; ++j )
printPartInfo( session, childIds[ i ], j, "");
static std::string
int bufferLength;
&bufferLength );
char * buffer = new char[ bufferLength ];
HAPI_GetStatusString( nullptr, HAPI_STATUS_CALL_RESULT, buffer, bufferLength );
std::string result( buffer );
delete [] buffer;
return result;
static std::string
int bufferLength;
&bufferLength );
char * buffer = new char[ bufferLength ];
HAPI_GetStatusString( nullptr, HAPI_STATUS_COOK_RESULT, buffer, bufferLength );
std::string result( buffer );
delete[] buffer;
return result;
static std::string
getString( HAPI_StringHandle stringHandle )
if ( stringHandle == 0 )
return "";
int bufferLength;
&bufferLength );
char * buffer = new char[ bufferLength ];
HAPI_GetString ( nullptr, stringHandle, buffer, bufferLength );
std::string result( buffer );
delete [] buffer;
return result;