Houdini 20.5 Galleries Materials gallery

Dust Puff

A material suitable for using particles to render smoke or fog.

This material is designed to be applied to particles that have a Sprite POP to generate the attributes determining the size and orientation of the sprite billboards. It contains the appropriate procedural to stamp billboards on each sprite.

Shading is done isotropically. The material will be lit independently of its normal, thus making it ideal to simulate smoke or fire.

This material relies on procedural noise rather than a texture map.



Diffuse Intensity

Contribution of the diffuse term to the shading, used by PBR to scale the light contribution.

Use Base Color

Determines if Base Color contributes to the sprite color.

Base Color

This color is multiplied by the final color, providing a tint to the sprite.

Tint with Color Attribute

If set, the Cd attribute will be multiplied into the final color.

Opacity Intensity

Global control of the opacity of the sprites.


Global control of the RGB opacity of the sprites.

Tint with Alpha Attribute

If set, the Alpha attribute will be multiplied into the final Opacity. If no Alpha Attribute exists, Opacity is unaffected.

Specular Intensity

Global control of the specular shading.

Specular Color

This color is used to determine the color of the specular highlights.


Noise Type

Determines the type of noise that is used in the material.


The scale of the noise pattern. Larger values give smaller, but not more detailed patterns.


This vector positions the noise on the object in x,y, and z


The bounds of noise function, in the case of original Perlin noise, -1 to 1, are multiplied by this Overall Scale.


This value sharpens or softens the edges of the noise. Lower values are softer, higher values sharper. Sharper edges may cause aliasing issues in motion.


This value shifts the median value of the noise. Values greater than 1, will dampen the noise down, whereas values less than 1 will sharpen the contrast between the noise values.


This value controls the amount of details in the noise. This is the number of times the noise function is called and summed. If the Frequency is high, there is no need for much detail, 1 or 2 should be plenty. This can affect the Amplitude of the noise as well since the smumming will result in higher base values.



Controls the parameters for the sprite procedural that creates a camera-facing sprite for each particle. The size and orientation of the sprite are controlled by attributes on the particle that are set with the Sprite POP. The velocity attribute controls if motion blur is done and what point attribute will be used as the velocity. The FPS is used to determine the length of the motion blur - higher values will perform a shorter blur. Note that the motion blur settings of the output driver will be ignored! Attributes lists the point attributes that will be passed from the particles to the surface shader.

Materials gallery

  • UV Map

    This is basic diffuse material, no specular, with a map of colored and numbered squares.

  • Background Plate

    Implements an example shader for background matte object in Karma.

  • Basic Flame

    A constant material where the density value of the volume drives the color ramp.

  • Basic Liquid

    A reflective refractive material for liquids using ray tracing.

  • Basic Smoke

    A diffuse material designed specifically for volume objects.

  • Billowy Smoke

    A billowy diffuse material designed specifically for volume objects.

  • Checkerboard

    This is a basic material with checked color map.

  • Clay

    This is basic diffuse material without specular.

  • Constant

    This is a constant material with optional maps for color and opacity.

  • Constant Smoke

    A diffuse unlit material designed specifically for volume objects.

  • Decal

    This material applies a texture an object.

  • Dust Puff

    A material suitable for using particles to render smoke or fog.

  • Fluid Fire

    A constant material where the density value of the volume drives the color ramp.

  • Glow

    This is a constant material, which represents the angle between the camera and the surface normal.

  • Liquid Smoke

    A diffuse material designed specifically for interior of volume liquids.

  • Ocean Surface

    This material gives the appearance of an ocean surface.

  • Shadow Matte

    Implements a shadowmatte shader that occludes geometry behind the surface being rendered.

  • Show Normal

    This is a constant material showing the value of the surface normal’s x y z directions in a red, green, blue color.

  • Show Shading Point

    This is a constant material showing the value of the shading point’s x y z values in a red, green, blue color.

  • Show Tangent

    This is a constant material showing the value of the surface tangent’s x y z directions in a red, green, blue color.

  • Show UV

    This is a constant material used to verify an objects texture coordinates.

  • Sprite Fog

    A material suitable for using particles to render smoke or fog.

  • Uniform Volume

    Renders a closed surface as a volume consisting of a uniform fog.

  • Wispy Smoke

    A wispy diffuse material designed specifically for volume objects.