DOP Import SOP has no data

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Hi all,
I continue to be bamboozled by the Dop import node I'm afraid.
I've set up a simple sim of a sphere hitting a wall which then shatters. I wanted to texture the inside parts different to the outside parts so I attached a material node, which did not work.
Even though the simulation appears to work absolutely fine, the wall crumbles, the Dop import node says that it has no data, as shown in the image.

I keep coming across this problem with the Dop import node and I don't know why.

Attachments: (73.2 KB)
houdini_dopimport.jpg (59.9 KB)

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I may have sorted it out (well, sort of, please read on). I had to re-setup the simulation, rename my fractureparms node so the rigidbodysolver network referenced it (there are a lot of nodes in there).

If someone knows what was wrong with the original scene I'd still like to know how to repair it, as starting over isn't really a fix.

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When you convert any rbd obj in to make breakable it creates two dopimport nodes one to transform incoming geo according to dopnet output and other dopimport to fetch geometry from fractureparms node after the dynamic fracture. See the file attached.
About inside and outside group. In voronoi fracture sop bydefault create groups option is not turned on. So you will not get the groups info after fetching the geo from dopnet. To crreate groups go to
and turn on create output group. Then you can color the inside and outside by material node.

ball_hit_dopimport.hipnc (996.5 KB)

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Sadhu, I tip my hat to you.

The problem I'm experiencing trying to learn Houdini is that tutorials tend to just tell me to use the shelf tools, so when something goes wrong, I've got no idea how to use the nodes that the shelf tools have implemented.
I need a better grounding in all the constituent nodes I think.

For that reason I just want to say thank you to you and all the other people who take time to write replies to people like me. If it weren't for people like you, I'd be totally stuck with no way of progressing, so thanks again.
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