VEX Sop Operator

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Hi there,
I try to use custom vex file in the VEX Sop Operator. So, I put my “vex” file and “ds” file to the $HOUDINI_PATH/vex/sop and when I create VEX Operator I can choose it from menu (icon “down arrow”), but I don't see my script in “Dialog Script” form (icon “Open file chooser”). I can't realise what I should do that my script is appeared in “Dialog Script” for customizing my params. Could you help me?
Alexey Mazurenko
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Hi there,
I try to use custom vex file in the VEX Sop Operator. So, I put my “vex” file and “ds” file to the $HOUDINI_PATH/vex/sop and when I create VEX Operator I can choose it from menu (icon “down arrow”), but I don't see my script in “Dialog Script” form (icon “Open file chooser”). I can't realise what I should do that my script is appeared in “Dialog Script” for customizing my params. Could you help me?

The easiest way to get a VEX operator installed from a source .vex file is to use the -l option on the vcc command:
% vcc -l myops.otl foo.vfl

Then you can import this operator easily into Houdini (this will store the .vex and .ds files in a single OTL).
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Joined: June 2008
Hello Mark,
Thank you for your answer. Sure, I know how to compile OTL, but I asked about why the “Dialog Script” doesn't work I'd be grateful if you could explain it.
Alexey Mazurenko
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