Prop Compact Car doesn't work in currrent Houdini Apprentice

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I just downloaded the free Orbolt Prop Asset “Compact Car” and it
has errors when installing it into my scene, or trying to load the example
file… the compactCar show's up without it's wheels and the compactCar
node has errors…

the errors list many of those instances:
Cannot find object: “../animation_rig_wheel_*/HOOK_OUT_WHEEL”
I do have the Wheel Rig and that appears to be working fine…

I also tried it by installing the Digital Asset Library first and then adding the Compact Car Object but got the following errors when creating the node,
about problems matching the new node to its definition:
Error: Problem while synchronizing child node:
Error: Bad node type found: channel in /obj/compactcar1/animation_rig_wheel_front_right/bake_anim/write_out_anim.
Warning: Unknown channel(s) "f, chopoutput" converted to spare parameter(s).

Warning: Skipping unrecognized parameter “trange”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “f”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “take”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “choppath”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “initsim”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “tprerender”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “prerender”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “lprerender”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “tpreframe”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “preframe”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “lpreframe”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “tpostframe”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “postframe”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “lpostframe”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “tpostrender”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “postrender”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “lpostrender”.

Problem while synchronizing child node:
Error: Bad node type found: channel in /obj/compactcar1/animation_rig_wheel_back_left/bake_anim/write_out_anim.
Warning: Unknown channel(s) "f, chopoutput" converted to spare parameter(s).

Warning: Skipping unrecognized parameter “trange”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “f”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “take”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “choppath”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “initsim”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “tprerender”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “prerender”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “lprerender”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “tpreframe”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “preframe”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “lpreframe”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “tpostframe”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “postframe”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “lpostframe”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “tpostrender”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “postrender”.
Skipping unrecognized parameter “lpostrender”.

I just freshly downloaded the latest Apprentice Production version, 12.5.469..

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are you on a mac by any chance?
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that's correct… I am on a Mac Pro running OS 10.7.5…
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just would like to follow-up on this issue…

why would this Asset NOT work on a Mac? and more importantly how do I get it to work?

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Turns out Houdini Apprentice on mac is missing channel chop which was used by the assets. I've removed it temporarily until things get sorted out. It should be working now.
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Thanks Adam for the information… so if I understand the issue, I should be updating the Asset for a temporary fix… What's the best way to update?

also once there is a fix for that (what's the ETA) I should update my Apprentice and then update the asset again?

how can I tell if the update is available and if the prop asset has been updated?

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Clicking the Sync button (round arrow) in your Asset Browser in Houdini should automatically get the latest version from Orbolt. (it will update any assets that have newer versions in the store)
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