Generating Scene....... time

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I think I'm missing something on the mantra rop. Rendering is no problem. The time it takes from hitting the render button, to seeing processing image seems strangely long.

When rending in the render view after the first GS it renders fast with changes.
True is does take a bit to launch mplay, but when its already open. Or rendering frames.

Once mplay is open it takes 25 sec before the image starts rendering. Is it hitting a license delay?

This doesn't happen at work which makes me ask the question.

If this has been covered before, my apologies.

2.66 i7 MBpro
Simple example.



gs_example.hipnc (187.8 KB)

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It calculates scene data like geometry, lights etc. and generate IFD out of that which takes time before image starts rendering.
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True but 25sec x 100 is a lot of time. Hmm Maybe I can write out a rib to see if its faster
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I think I'm missing something on the mantra rop. Rendering is no problem. The time it takes from hitting the render button, to seeing processing image seems strangely long.

When rending in the render view after the first GS it renders fast with changes.
True is does take a bit to launch mplay, but when its already open. Or rendering frames.

Once mplay is open it takes 25 sec before the image starts rendering. Is it hitting a license delay?

This doesn't happen at work which makes me ask the question.

If this has been covered before, my apologies.

2.66 i7 MBpro
Simple example.



I can't reproduce this. It takes under 2 seconds for rendering to start on my machine. Do you have an A/V blocking socket ports? What happens if you try to render to a disk file (.exr) instead of to mplay?
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Thanks for the reply

Same thing, 24 seconds. When I put verbose level to 5 and watch the shell. It's blank for those 24sec then it starts the data.

I can't see a scene build time in the data for that block of time.

“A/V blocking socket ports” audio video? I'm lost on that one. More info please.

Turned off fire wall to see a difference, nothing changed.

I can't reproduce this. It takes under 2 seconds for rendering to start on my machine. Do you have an A/V blocking socket ports? What happens if you try to render to a disk file (.exr) instead of to mplay?
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I did a performance record. Weird.

screensh.jpg (109.8 KB)

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I'm not entirely sure what the -Y parameter does, but 49236 feels like it could be a port number. I think some of the communication between Houdini and Mantra is happening through internal networking, so what you are experiencing may be related to some sort of timeout happening.

Do you have any kind of firewall running or other security software that filters/blocks network traffic? I'd suggest turning it off for a moment (and turn off all network cards/wifi as well, to be sure there's no routing problem).

Same problem still?
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Bingo! 8 seconds. Thanks for the ideas guys. Wifi off = no big delay. I'll just have to keep turning it on and off. Wifi on to launch houdini, otherwise you get license error. So wow, houdini is pinging the server every time you mantra -r. Hmmmmmm :? That seem like a lot of wastes traffic.
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Slow or improper DNS.

Look at your router settings. Many have options to set/add to and cache DNS.

Doo a search. Many ISP's don't do a good job here.
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