Help!!!! My smoke Sim render is blurry at 1080p

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Hey guys i'm new to houdini i've been playing around in it for 2 weeks now and i created a smoke sim moving toward the camera. I used a box as an emitter and changed the dimensions, basically making it rectangular, then i dropped down a volcano from the shelf tools..i wanted to experiment with that instead of using billowy smoke. I've tried as much as what is within my knowledge of houdini ..which is not a lot to get this sim to not look so blurry. At 640x388 the sim looks good, but at 1080p the sim looks blurry..I've tried playing with the camera settings, i played with the settings in mantra, i turned up the pixels i've tried sharpening in the pyro solver..with just slightly better results. I've included the hip file and a screenshot. i have the full fx version. not apprentice. Can one of you Masters help me? My eyes is glued to this forum for help so i'll respond very quickly

Screen Shot 2014-09-05 at 6.35.53 AM.png (356.9 KB)
final outward smoke .hip (785.6 KB)

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Your voxel resolution looks quite low. Have you tried lowering the division size of your sim (inside your dopnet on the smoke object)?
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Joined: July 2014
Thank you..I decreased the division..and it's simulating now..I'll post a screen shot of the frame when it's done.
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