UT_NetPacket error (rendering to ip)

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I have one file launched which is quite a heavy file. It throws the following error when trying to render to a Mantra via ip or to View Mantra:

UT_NetPacket::write: UT_NetPacket::read: Invalid argument
No such file or directory
mantra: Error writing data to image device
UT_NetPacket::write: Invalid argument
UT_NetPacket::read: No such file or directory
mantra: Error writing data to image device


when I open a second instance of houdini with no Mantras but just a platonic solid (for example) and do a View Mantra it renders the entire frame. For the first file it renders one chunk of the image (such as a 64x64 pixel area) and then cancels out without errors except the one i listed above.

Any suggestions? I have seen some posts on odforce from 2003 about this issue but I am running Houdini FX 13.0.260 currently . I am on Windows 7 64-bit SP 1. I ran into this problem with this file once before and restarting the machine fixed the error and allowed me to render the entire image and 6000 images to disk. But now I can't get anything to render from this file.
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Did you ever resolve this? I started to get this same problem about a week ago on H 13.0.521.
Houdini Models [learning3dfromscratch.blogspot.com]
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Did you ever resolve this? I started to get this same problem about a week ago on H 13.0.521.

It is indeed quite lax of me to not post my results. I had forgotten that I posted this after contacting support about the issue (since nobody in the forums was responding). They suggested downloading a newer build and I think it worked for the most part. So you might try upgrading. If that doesn't work for you I would post a separate question about this to the forum to see if someone might have encountered the same issue with the same version you were using.
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Thanks I'll try that and see what happens.
Houdini Models [learning3dfromscratch.blogspot.com]
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So far that seems to have fixed it (fingers crossed…)
Houdini Models [learning3dfromscratch.blogspot.com]
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