Voronoi Fracture Mask?

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Joined: Feb. 2015
I've got an asset that fractures an input mesh and that's all working fine.
I would like to, however, give the user the ability to mask out areas of the mesh that should not be fractured. I've tried several methods, including removing the fracture points from these areas, doing pre-fracturing around the areas to single them out and so on, but nothing seems to actually protect the designated area. They still get some level of fracturing around them.

Any ideas on how you could mask out an area of the mesh to not allow fracturing? I'm thinking the user could paint a specific color on the area and then set a radius around those verts that should be “safe” from fracturing.
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258 posts
Why couldn't a user paint red on a model (Male sure the model already has a Cd attribute that is black (O,0,0)), them create an attribute called “density” with the value of $CR? Than append a scatter. in H14, scatter automatically recognizes the density attribute.
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Joined: April 2012
You could try using the ‘cluster’ attribute on the points before it goes into the voronoi fracture.
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